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Subject: Humans living on two planets?

Written By: Arch Vile on 04/10/19 at 1:24 pm

Hello everyone.  After coming back from being 10 days off the grid (not by choice), I came to think about a very big question.  One that will require a considerable level of feedback.  I want to combine two noticeable events in our current standing as a species.  If you were to combine the continued impacts of climate change that are going on Earth, with the Mars One projected timeline (See Wikipedia Link:, do you think that human beings will be able to live on two planets in our solar system?

Now I know that most countries already set commitments with the Paris Climate agreements, even though the big polluters are not caring.  I also had to consider that as a millennial, I can't have kids b/c they will have to endure the horrors of climate change gone bad (thanks AOC).  There are also other factors such as spontaneous solar activity that could occur between now and the expected timeline for Mars colonization.  Regardless of hearing the same fear mongering about climate change (even mentioned decades ago), I doubt that I would be able to make such a dramatic forced change (from a legislative means) in lifestyle for the environment.  It makes it seem like the tobacco industry can get away with making people sick b/c of their habitual choice to smoke.  Lump them in with fossil fuels if you think so.

Anyways, I am saying no.         

Subject: Re: Humans living on two planets?

Written By: rapplepop on 05/25/19 at 5:24 pm

Yes, but not until the fairly distant future. At the very least I'll be an old man when we have permanent settlements on Mars.

Subject: Re: Humans living on two planets?

Written By: annimal on 01/12/20 at 8:07 pm

I already do visit mars but tend to spend more of my time on earth these days

Subject: Re: Humans living on two planets?

Written By: KatanaChick on 01/21/20 at 2:02 pm

Not in our lifetime at all, but in the distant future I could see it as a possibility. This world is overpopulated and there would be  technology around to create synthetic environments to inhabit.

Subject: Re: Humans living on two planets?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/21/20 at 2:19 pm

Mars is too far away, it is only for dreams and Hollywood!

Subject: Re: Humans living on two planets?

Written By: annimal on 01/21/20 at 4:33 pm

to far away, that's why I now spend my time on Earth

Subject: Re: Humans living on two planets?

Written By: Philip Eno on 01/21/20 at 4:44 pm

to far away, that's why I now spend my time on Earth
That's the way to do it!

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