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Subject: The Sims
Is anyone else addicted to this game?
Subject: Re: The Sims
My wife is crazy for this game. I don't really see the point. Being in the Navy, I get to control real people all day long, why would I want to do it in my free time? ;D
Subject: Re: The Sims
i probably would be if i had the game and a computer to play it on. i also like sim city and sim tower...my college buddy mike had both and got me addicted to them. i sometimes wish i could work on my tower again. i called it the love shack. and my city was twinkletown.
Subject: Re: The Sims
I will admit, I was hooked on this game. But I haven't played it in months, and I've never even installed the latest expansion pack (the vacation one) even though I have it.
Subject: Re: The Sims
Is anyone else addicted to this game?
End Quote
Okay, okay....I confess!!! ;D
Yes, I'm one of "them"! I know it's kind of a dumb concept to some, but I have a blast! It's kind of like reliving my "dollhouse days", only with the computer. Sure, I can play with my daughter's Barbie dream house...but it's just not the same! LOL! Plus...ever since I learned how to make the heads/skins..well let's just say it's even more fun! You can move anybody in with anybody...well, anyway, I have all the expansion packs and play as often as I can. The first game was actually hubby's, but he couldn't play it on his computer at the time, so by default, mine got it. I've been hooked ever since.
Okay...I'll go admit myself to "Sims Anonymous" now.... :-[
Subject: Re: The Sims
I love the sims especially the kids on the them park I'm still trying to conquer it
SIm THeme Park
Sim City 1000, 2000, and 3000
Meet THe SIms
The SIms
Sim Expansion
Sim Safari
Sim Vacation
Sim World (Create a universe)
Sim "Hot DAte"
Subject: Re: The Sims
I was totally addicted to the Sims a couple of years back. I used to spend hours playing, and even had two games going; one I played by the rules, and one where I looked up the unlimited money cheat code so I could buy every cool toy in the game and try them all out.
And then, one day, it dawned on me: I was spending hours of my life controlling imaginary computer people instead of interacting in the real world. Now I just control real people, and it's a LOT more rewarding! ;D (Kidding, I'm KIDDING!) ;)
I'd still like to get the expansion packs and see what all the cool new toys do, though...
Subject: Re: The Sims
I am addicted to the game also...I know I spend too much time playing The Sims then I really should. I just can't pry myself away.
Subject: Re: The Sims
I hate this game, i bought it when it first came out, played it for about ten minutes then got board. I don't understand why. I love Will Wrights other games, it's just "THE Sims" I cant stand.
Subject: Re: The Sims
I have tried it, but can't get into it. Everything happens to quick for me to keep up (Hmmmm...it is just like real life !).
Or maybe I just have a slow processor...and I'm not talking about the PC !
My kids love it though. Disturbingly, my Daughter takes great pleasure from getting a couple to have a child and then ignore it to the point where the welfare arrive to to take it away >:(
Kids will be kids.....
I can only hope she gets that out of her system and doesn't repeat the behaviour in real life ..... :(
FB :)
Subject: Re: The Sims
I bought the game while I was at goldies house..waited almost 2 weeks to install it....stayed up all nite playing it...about 10 hours straight....finally figured out that I did NOT need a computer game reminding me how bad life can be....I could not even get a dude to LIKE me..so when goldie came home last week...it went back to Missouri with my nephews....GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Re: The Sims
I was soooo addicted to SimCity last year. I played it constantly. I got Hot Date for Xmas and I love playing it as well. So funny and lots of interesting situations to put the Sims in!!! ;D