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Subject: Seen Any bad movies?
what movies have you seen that have been so bad they make your skin crawl? a couple I have had the unfortunate plesure of seeing are:
Back to the Beach
Steel (staring Shaq)
BTW: these can be movies you like, that are just bad. I like back to the beach, but I would be embarassed to watch it with a group of other people.
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Contact with Jody Foster
Dune (YUK!!!)
and anything with Jean Claude Van Damne
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Dune (YUK!!!)
and anything with Jean Claude Van Damne
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The main problem with Dune was that you needed to have read the book a dozen times to understand the film...
...and I thought Timecop was a good film.
Bad ones I have seen? None that I can think of recently. I'd heard bad things of Cats and Dogs, but finally saw it after my son was given the video - any film that contains the line "Evil does not wear a bonnet" can't be all bad ;-)
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
THe Animal - Its got way too much gross humor. Who waNts to see a man hump a goat!! :o
Down To You- ::)Dumb, dumb. dumb. A chef and an artist in college fall in love. they decide to take a break. She sleeps wit another guy. He goes berserk. Tries to down a bottle of shampoo. UTTER AND TOTAL CRAP. (Starring Freddie Prince Jr and Julia Stiles)
Boys and Girls- (Starring Freddie Prince Jr.) okay plot. BAD ACTING. CRAP, CRAP, CRAP
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Lord of the Rings- The Fellowship of the Ring--- I hated it. It was just too long and uninteresting for me. I was originally going to see a different movie, but it was sold out. So, we saw Lord of the Rings. If I had read the books before hand, then I might've liked it a bit more.
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Maximum Overdrive. Great soundtrack, shame about the movie. Absolute zero plausibility.
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Maximum Overdrive. Great soundtrack, shame about the movie. Absolute zero plausibility.
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When you get right down to it, how plausible are any of the movies made from King books?
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
When you get right down to it, how plausible are any of the movies made from King books?
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I thought Misery was quite disturbing. Not really plausible, but enough to get some kind of gut reaction, unlike Maximum Overdrive
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
I thought Misery was quite disturbing. Not really plausible, but enough to get some kind of gut reaction, unlike Maximum Overdrive
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Ok, just as long as you base your dislike on something other than plausibility! I f all implausible movies had to be put on a worst list, there wouldn't be many left for the good! :D
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
I didn't like "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" much... I turned it off because it bored me to tears! And I though "The Others" was nothing more than a bad rip-off of "The Sixth Sense".
Pound for pound, though, I just LOVE "Animal House", although many people might say that is a bad movie...and I just love the over-the-top acting of "The Ten Commandments" and "Cleopatra" (the Liz one.)
"Reefer Madness" is one of my faves, but I couldn't stand "Eraserhead", especially because (a) I wasn't stoned like the rest of the audience, and (b) I was pregnant at the time. David Lynch is way too weird for me, anyway. (Sorry, Lynch fans!) :)
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
The main problem with Dune was that you needed to have read the book a dozen times to understand the film...
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I never read the book, but I liked the film. As for David Lynch's more bizarre work, how about Eraserhead? I expected a lot but I was really disappointed with that one.
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
I couldn't stand "Eraserhead"
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Are you telepathic or is to just me? ;)
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Ok, I know this will be a very unpopular opinion....I couldn't stand the original Austin Powers movie. I had to drag my boyfriend out of the theater. I thought it was incredibly stupid. I will now go hide from all the fallout. ;D
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Are you telepathic or is to just me? ;)
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OMG...I didn't even read the whole thread when I replied...how hilarious! I guess great minds think alike....and Eraserhead did bite!
I am just trying to play catch-up...that will teach me to reply without reading everything, won't it? ;)
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Now, as far as just plain bad movies (crap I wouldn't recommend to anyone). Here's a sampler:
American Beauty
The Psycho remake
Lolita (the Stanley Kubrick piece of ____)
...just to name a few
Tarzan Boy
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That's funny, American Beauty and Lolita top my list of favs. I also love the b&w version of Psycho - absolutely timeless.
The worst movie I've recently seen is AI (Artificial Intelligence). It was absolutely revolting, depressing, yuck! I didn't like one aspect of the movie which is odd because I usually try to find at least one bit o' goodness in every movie. The teddy bear was cute, though.
I didn't care much for Armegeddon either.
I can't think of anymore right now, but I'll be sure to let ya know if I do. ;)
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
There is, I'll admit, a difference between a bad movie and a movie I don't like. For instance, both "Forrest Gump" and "Vany on 42nd Street" made me see red I hated them so much, and yet they were good movies. I just hated them.
At the same time, I'm sure "Charlie's Angels" and "So I Married an Axe Murderer" are technically "bad" movies. I liked them both.
Can't think of any bad movies I hated offhand, but then I don't see many movies. So why did I respond to this thread, you may ask? Because if I can just spend ten more minutes here it will be too late to go to the gym today.
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Can't think of any bad movies I hated offhand, but then I don't see many movies. So why did I respond to this thread, you may ask? Because if I can just spend ten more minutes here it will be too late to go to the gym today.
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You are SO not right in the head! My idol! I'm not worthy! ;D
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
I'll tell ya a bad movie.I saw Good Burger with Keenan and Kel.so stupid.I watched a couple of minutes of it and then returned it.It was a stupid comedy.I like comedies but takes the cake. :P -howard-
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
I'll tell ya a bad movie.I saw Good Burger with Keenan and Kel.so stupid.I watched a couple of minutes of it and then returned it.It was a stupid comedy.I like comedies but takes the cake. :P -howard-
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That's what you get from a movie with Kenan and Kel!
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
"Clerks"....an independent movie made back in 95-96..talk about a BAD movie...
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Has anyone ever seen "She-Devil" with Roseanne (Barr)? Uugghhh! That was bad :( I rented it when the local place had a "two-fer" night, and I wanted to see if it was bad as everyone said it was when it was first out.
It was worse; much, much worse. :-X
Which really bothers me because I'm told it was based (loosely, obviously) on "The Life And Loves Of A She-Devil" which was a mini series in the U.K. sometime in the early 80's. That was awesome. So much so, that I went and read the book not too long ago.
Why do American filmmakers feel they have to trash foreign films when they remake them?
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Why do American filmmakers feel they have to trash foreign films when they remake them?
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Tell me about it! What was that puke-inspiring rendition of "La Femme Nikita" they did starring Bridget Fonda? Pain. Agony. White lights.
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
"Clerks"....an independent movie made back in 95-96..talk about a BAD movie...
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I'm not a big fan of Clerks either, but it was the start of a bunch of movies I liked: Mallrats, Chasing Amy, that Jesus one which name escapes me, and Jay and Silent Bob strike back (wait these are considered bad movies that I like).
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
There is, I'll admit, a difference between a bad movie and a movie I don't like. For instance, both "Forrest Gump" and "Vany on 42nd Street" made me see red I hated them so much, and yet they were good movies. I just hated them.
At the same time, I'm sure "Charlie's Angels" and "So I Married an Axe Murderer" are technically "bad" movies. I liked them both.
Can't think of any bad movies I hated offhand, but then I don't see many movies. So why did I respond to this thread, you may ask? Because if I can just spend ten more minutes here it will be too late to go to the gym today.
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Actually this is what I wanted the thread to be about, I just couldn't explain it that well.
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Actually this is what I wanted the thread to be about, I just couldn't explain it that well.
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Ladies and gentlemen, mark your calendars! Screwball and Langdon are of one mind!
I always knew we were on the IMPORTANT things. ;)
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
Too many to mention here, but here are the ones I remember:
Race With the Devil
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Overrated and not as gory as you think)
Forbidden World
Night Patrol
Spring Break
The Goonies (Yes the Spielberg one)
St. Elmo's Fire
Dead Heat
Jaws:The Revenge
Damien: Omen II and Omen:The Final Conflict
Hardbodies 1 and 2
Can't Buy Me Love
And the verry overrated Thelma and Louise
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
One bad movie (because it is so blatantly derivative) that I liked was Aliens 2½, er, I mean Event Horizon. ;)
Subject: Re: Seen Any bad movies?
One bad movie (because it is so blatantly derivative) that I liked was Aliens 2½, er, I mean Event Horizon. ;)
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I hate any movie where people are stuck in an enclosed area and have to fight an animal/alien/monster, all those movies suck in my book.