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Subject: When Does School Start?

Written By: lebeiw15 on 08/19/02 at 01:32 p.m.

To those here who go to school or college?  Mine starts Wednesday.. I can't wait to see my friends, but I can wait to see the people who aren't too friendly..  :-/

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Crazy Don on 08/19/02 at 01:38 p.m.

I've been out of school for years, but school starts in Kanawha County, WV, this coming Monday.  When I was at the beach, some schools (the year-round ones) were already in session (the new school year for the year-round schools there started in July) and the others started the day after I left (August 5)!

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Bobo on 08/19/02 at 01:39 p.m.

I'm back at the end-ish of September.

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Zella on 08/19/02 at 01:41 p.m.

We mostly have year-round schools here in L.A. I am so glad I am not a child in the 00s.... :(

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Bobo on 08/19/02 at 01:43 p.m.

Los Angeles must love school so much. Either that, or people've run out of inspiration for planned vacations...

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Criz on 08/19/02 at 01:51 p.m.

It seems really early to go back to school! I got back to Col on Septemeber 4th, but I have to go in tomorrow to enrol. After the 4th we get a few days off though, so the first years can settle in which is cool :)

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Sagnastian on 08/19/02 at 02:02 p.m.

Naw, you need school year round in LA so they stay out of trouble ;)  Anyways, I woud've started August 26th, ,but am not going back to school this semester,  I'll wait 'til the winter semester to go back.  For yous back west that's the same as the Spring semester.  

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Wicked Lester on 08/19/02 at 02:40 p.m.

My son started back a week ago today!

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: RockandRollFan on 08/19/02 at 02:48 p.m.

My boys return to school tomorrow ;)

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Jessica on 08/19/02 at 03:59 p.m.

Around here, school starts this Thursday.

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Reddyrules on 08/19/02 at 04:16 p.m.

I was glad when I left school. I got in the workforce and thought "Yeh No School Anymore"
That was until I had to do a course in Reading a 24hour clock, How to recognize a hearing dog..... and countless other courses just to get to where I am.
I realise school may not be as bad as I always thought.
One thing though is you cannot escape it and learning.

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: jamminoldies on 08/19/02 at 07:30 p.m.

I've been outta school for over 10 years.Now,at least I can do something with my life. :) -howard-

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Screwball54 on 08/19/02 at 10:16 p.m.

For me it started today, but it never really stops for summer, it all depends on how quickly you want your degree.

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: goldie on 08/20/02 at 00:17 a.m.

My boys go back to school on Wednesday!! I can't wait!!!  ;D

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Goreripper on 08/20/02 at 00:21 a.m.

Been a long time since I was at school, but if I were there, I'd be deeply entrenched in third term about now!

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: FussBudgetVanPelt on 08/20/02 at 03:54 a.m.

Been a long time since I was at school, but if I were there, I'd be deeply entrenched in third term about now!
End Quote

Right on !

Over here, we have our summer break for 6 weeks (or so) over Christmas/New Year

FB  :)

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: AngeliK on 08/20/02 at 07:45 a.m.

I start college on September 9th and I am so scared because I don't know anyone!!  :-[

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Junior on 08/20/02 at 02:52 p.m.

I started last Wednesday (the 14th). :-/

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: Indy Gent on 08/21/02 at 05:36 p.m.

For some Indiana students, Including Purdue and Indiana students, it started this Monday. I'm glad I'm not in school anymore, although I plan to get my Bachelor's degree somewhere in the future. ;D

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: goldie on 08/21/02 at 06:52 p.m.

My boys go back to school on Wednesday!! I can't wait!!!  ;D
End Quote

Well, school started today! My youngest son is in 7th grade, this is his first year at the jr high school. He must have really been nervous this morning. He put on a button down shirt, inside out and buttoned it like that. He wore it that way all day long until one of his teachers ask him why!!  He got lost going to a couple of his classes and went to the wrong class once! My oldest is a freshman and he said that his day was fine!! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day!!  ;D

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: southernspitfire on 08/21/02 at 07:54 p.m.


Well, school started today! My youngest son is in 7th grade, this is his first year at the jr high school. He must have really been nervous this morning. He put on a button down shirt, inside out and buttoned it like that. He wore it that way all day long until one of his teachers ask him why!!  End Quote

My poor baby!! :'(  I feel so bad for him!!  I know his stomach was in knots and then that.....I gotta send him a big ol hug!!

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: lebeiw15 on 08/21/02 at 08:04 p.m.


He got lost going to a couple of his classes and went to the wrong class once!
End Quote

Oh, he's not alone!.. actually, by now, I know where all my classes are, I just go to the wrong ones at the wrong times!

Subject: Re: When Does School Start?

Written By: TripsMom on 08/21/02 at 10:22 p.m.

School starts next Monday for my step-son. He'll be in 8th grade. Had enough of the pre-teen attitude for this Summer. Come on Monday! It's the most wonderful time of the year ;D Guess that only works for those of you with Staples stores.