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Subject: Backwards messages in songs
I bet that there are songs that have backwards messages in them. Two cool examples are, "Yvan eht nioj" which is, "Join the navy." and one line in Missy Elliott's Work It that sounds like, "Has Cher made another little flan yet? Has Cher made another little flan yet?" The "Yvan eht nioj/Join the navy" one is from the Simpsons episode New Kids on the Blecch, the one where Bart joins a boyband.
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
Backwards, eh? Not quite what you're looking for, but here's an interesting tidbit. (Disclaimer: I only found this information a couple of weeks ago, so it's not mine)
Perhaps the most imaginative interpretation of an image on the cover of Sgt. Pepper is that if you hold a mirror across the middle of the words "LONELY HEARTS" written across the center of the bass drum, you will see "IONEIX HE<>DIE". When arranged as "I ONE IX HE <> DIE," this image suggests the date (11-9, or November 9, 1966) that Paul died, as the diamond between the words "HE" and "DIE" points directly at Paul.
There are also lots of drug references in Beatles songs which are mainly played backwards.
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
I bet that there are songs that have backwards messages in them. Two cool examples are, "Yvan eht nioj" which is, "Join the navy." and one line in Missy Elliott's Work It that sounds like, "Has Cher made another little flan yet? Has Cher made another little flan yet?" End Quote
Heehee...The line is Missy saying "I put my thang down flip it and reverse it" in reverse (I had to run it through my sampler)...
Check out Prince & The Revolution's "Purple Rain" Soundtrack. At least two tracks have backwards messages in them...
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
well, theres the rumor that Stairway played backwards says satanic messages...
also a bunch of Pink Floyds too
I think its "empty spaces" that has the message "COngratulations, youve found the hidden message...send your responces to Old Pink care of the funny farm"...Old Pink is of course, Syd Barrett.....
also ELO's "FIre on high"
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
well, theres the rumor that Stairway played backwards says satanic messages...
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Only if you have a very vivid imagination.
A local DJ once debunked the whole thing by playing a bunch of Christian hymns backwards. There were more backwards references to Satan in each one than there are in any 15 rock songs.
The lesson was you hear what you want to hear.
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
Heh... ::) I never believed it.Technically its almost impossible to do so the brain would even pick it up.Heres a link with an anti-backmasking article and at the end one for the backmasking.Both are about Stairway to Heaven I think.Some old ladies just dont have a life LOL
No you arent going to hell for going to this site LOL Youre reading about nonsense ;D
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
There's one that's right before the Iron Maiden song "Still Life". I know part of it is a burp but can't figure the rest out. Anyone out there maybe know?
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
I can't remember what it says. I haven't listened to that album in a long time, and now it's on CD, you can't play it backwards properly to figure it out anyway.
Back masking is an urban myth. The suggestion that someone would record a song a certain way or with certain phrasing so it says subliminal messages when played in reverse is just silly. Why would you do that? There are no backwards messages in Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd songs, but there ARE in Beatles songs, and they were put there deliberately as an experiment.
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
I can't remember what it says. I haven't listened to that album in a long time, and now it's on CD, you can't play it backwards properly to figure it out anyway.
Back masking is an urban myth. The suggestion that someone would record a song a certain way or with certain phrasing so it says subliminal messages when played in reverse is just silly. Why would you do that? There are no backwards messages in Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd songs, but there ARE in Beatles songs, and they were put there deliberately as an experiment.
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actully, there ARE in a Pink Floyd song (Im almost positive its Empty Spaces, but i could be wrong)....Roger Waters has said many times that its there on purpose, and hes said what it says (I wrote it in an earlier post).....
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
I could be wrong about Pink Floyd then. The point I was trying to make was that artists don't use backwards masking to hide Satanic (or any other kind of) messages in songs. It simply doesn't happen.
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
I could be wrong about Pink Floyd then. The point I was trying to make was that artists don't use backwards masking to hide Satanic (or any other kind of) messages in songs. It simply doesn't happen.
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oh they definitly dont..well, maybe Canible Corpse does.....
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
I bet that there are songs that have backwards messages in them. Two cool examples are, "Yvan eht nioj" which is, "Join the navy." and one line in Missy Elliott's Work It that sounds like, "Has Cher made another little flan yet? Has Cher made another little flan yet?" The "Yvan eht nioj/Join the navy" one is from the Simpsons episode New Kids on the Blecch, the one where Bart joins a boyband.
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Good lord, another communist consprist unmasked. Call out the moral police again! Allert the FIB & CIA, petition Congress for legislation, and most importantly, stop people from listening to songs backwards. I wonder what Beetoven's "Ode to Joy" would say played backwards? I'm sure it would be subversive. ;)
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
Backwards, eh? Not quite what you're looking for, but here's an interesting tidbit. (Disclaimer: I only found this information a couple of weeks ago, so it's not mine)
Perhaps the most imaginative interpretation of an image on the cover of Sgt. Pepper is that if you hold a mirror across the middle of the words "LONELY HEARTS" written across the center of the bass drum, you will see "IONEIX HE<>DIE". When arranged as "I ONE IX HE <> DIE," this image suggests the date (11-9, or November 9, 1966) that Paul died, as the diamond between the words "HE" and "DIE" points directly at Paul.
There are also lots of drug references in Beatles songs which are mainly played backwards.
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??? ??? ???I didn't know you had to play Beatles songs backwards to find the drug references.I thought it was easy enough playing them forewards.Cheers! :o
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
I'm not sure if I still have the link, but I stumbled across one from Heart.
It's not a "message", but the guitar at the beginning of "Magic Man" was recorded backward. I always thought it sounded 'different', (and cool) but after hearing itplayed normal and then immediately back ard, you can tell that was how it was recorded.
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
actully, there ARE in a Pink Floyd song (Im almost positive its Empty Spaces, but i could be wrong)....Roger Waters has said many times that its there on purpose, and hes said what it says (I wrote it in an earlier post).....
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You are right Billy. It is in the song Empty Spaces and says just what you posted.
The ELO message in Fire On High says..."The music is reversable, but time is not...turn back, turn back, turn back..."
There are several songs that use backward guitar, like Magic Man as Fett69 pointed out. The only one I can think of right now is Loser by 3 Doors Down. Anyone know anymore?
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
The guitar in parts of Linkin Park "Somewhere I Belong" was recorded backwards...
Edited because "backwads" is not "backwards" - unless your a Yankee. ;D
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
The ELO message in Fire On High says..."The music is
There are several songs that use backward guitar, like Magic Man as Fett69 pointed out. The only one I can think of right now is Loser by 3 Doors Down. Anyone know anymore?
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"Pinch Me" By the Barenaked Ladies uses a backwards guitar.... I think.
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
"Pinch Me" By the Barenaked Ladies uses a backwards guitar.... I think.
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I'm not sure....
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
My oldest daughter's Ph.D. research involved figuring out the roles of pheramons, dance, and song in the mating choices of friut flies. She had a miniature recording studio set up to record their various songs. I asked her what they sounded like played backwards. One sub-group, she said, sounded like a Bach fugue, another group was playing Motzart, and a third group sounded like Pink Floyd (the cool ones) ;D ;D ;)
I was disappointed. None of them said "Paul is dead". ;)
Subject: Re: Backwards messages in songs
My oldest daughter's Ph.D. research involved figuring out the roles of pheramons, dance, and song in the mating choices of friut flies. She had a miniature recording studio set up to record their various songs. I asked her what they sounded like played backwards. One sub-group, she said, sounded like a Bach fugue, another group was playing Motzart, and a third group sounded like Pink Floyd (the cool ones) ;D ;D ;)
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ROFL and cracking up SOOOO much ! LOL ! :D :D :D :D :D :D