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Subject: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: Marty McFly on 05/24/05 at 7:27 am

Just wondered 'cause I know when I first started coming here a couple months ago, I'd always see Chrissy (formerly known as Jacks -- I didn't intend that as a Prince joke, hehe) on the boards alot - esp. in the 'Playful Penguin Place'.

I've missed seein' her around these last couple weeks! ;)

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: nally on 05/24/05 at 12:42 pm

I've been wondering the same thing myself! :-[ I sure do miss her...she's been a lot of fun.

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: Apricot on 05/24/05 at 2:24 pm

I was wondering myself.. meh, maybe she's on vacation or taking a break or something...

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: Bobby on 05/24/05 at 6:05 pm

She was on the 'Nasty Penguin thread' for a while and then left.

Chrissy! We miss you.  ;)

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/24/05 at 7:47 pm

hey bobby.......

has Andrea (Odyssey) been to the other forum recently? It's been ages since I have talked to her...I miss her too!!!! :\'(

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: Apricot on 05/24/05 at 8:06 pm

She was on the 'Nasty Penguin thread' for a while and then left.

Chrissy! We miss you.  ;)

What thread?


Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: Bobby on 05/24/05 at 8:40 pm

What thread?


Ah! Er . . . Sorry. She was on the 'it' thread (as long as I don't give away the link, right?).  ;)

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: Bobby on 05/24/05 at 8:41 pm

hey bobby.......

has Andrea (Odyssey) been to the other forum recently? It's been ages since I have talked to her...I miss her too!!!! :\'(

She has been there on and off, Quirk. I haven't seen much of her either. What's going on?  :-\\

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/24/05 at 8:42 pm

I dunno...but I miss all of them!!! :\'(


Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: whitewolf on 05/24/05 at 10:00 pm

Chrissy was on around 9:30. She posted on the "other" thread.

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/25/05 at 12:36 am

I've heard from her in the past week...oh, and I'm back on here now! ;)

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: nally on 05/27/05 at 5:48 pm

Chrissy was on around 9:30. She posted on the "other" thread.

She was obviously on at a time that I was away from the computer...

I do look forward to seeing her around here again... ;D

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: jackas on 05/27/05 at 10:27 pm

Have no fear...........Chrissy is here! ::) 

I was just taking a break......this place is bad for me.  I always tell myself that I'll just come on for a few minutes and two hours later......................... :-\\    I just decided it's better to not come on at all, that way I don't get "stuck".

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 05/27/05 at 10:31 pm

hey chrissy! we missed ya!  I know what you mean though..I am the same way!! it's very addicting!

Erin :)

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: jackas on 05/27/05 at 10:35 pm

hey chrissy! we missed ya!  I know what you mean though..I am the same way!! it's very addicting!

Erin :)

Thanks Erin. :)

I've missed all you guys too. :(

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/27/05 at 10:51 pm

^^ There she is!  :D ;)

Welcome back!

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: jackas on 05/27/05 at 10:54 pm

^^ There she is!  :D ;)

Welcome back!

Thank you!  Thank you very much!

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: Marty McFly on 05/27/05 at 10:58 pm

Yay, welcome back! :)

Have no fear...........Chrissy is here! ::)

I was just taking a break......this place is bad for me. I always tell myself that I'll just come on for a few minutes and two hours later......................... :-\\ I just decided it's better to not come on at all, that way I don't get "stuck".

Hehe, I hear ya on that -- I post on 7 or 8 message boards now, and I tend to spend almost all my online time on 'em, even if I only mean to sign on for a few minutes.

I also always sign off, or go 'Invisible' on AIM if I'm doing homework, etc - it'd be too tempting and distracting otherwise, LOL!

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: jackas on 05/27/05 at 11:13 pm

Yay, welcome back! :)

Hehe, I hear ya on that -- I post on 7 or 8 message boards now, and I tend to spend almost all my online time on 'em, even if I only mean to sign on for a few minutes.

I also always sign off, or go 'Invisible' on AIM if I'm doing homework, etc - it'd be too tempting and distracting otherwise, LOL!

LOL  Good idea!

I'm just glad I'm not the only inthe00soholic.

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: GoodRedShirt on 05/27/05 at 11:19 pm

I'm just addicted to the internet full stop. I have found myself spending hours just surfing around not looking at anything too important or interesting. It's rather depressing just thinking about it.  :-\\ :P

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: RockandRollFan on 05/28/05 at 12:20 am

Have no fear...........Chrissy is here! ::) 

I was just taking a break......this place is bad for me.  I always tell myself that I'll just come on for a few minutes and two hours later......................... :-\\    I just decided it's better to not come on at all, that way I don't get "stuck".
HEY! your back...repeat after me...."I am NOT addicted to this place :D Seriously, it's GREAT to have you back here ;)

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: ADH13 on 05/28/05 at 1:40 am

Hey I'm still around too... just not nearly as much.  The reason I was on here so much before is because I was in between jobs, home all day and BORED TO DEATH!  I'm back to work now (I'm a Realtor now) so I'm trying to stay focused on that.  I get distracted easily and if I make these boards a habit again, I won't get anything done and then I won't make any money :(

but I miss you guys too & I'll be popping in every couple days or so to say hi!

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: Marty McFly on 05/28/05 at 1:46 am

^ Yay, Andrea, the fellow San Jose-r is back too. :)

It's the same thing with me. In fact, part of why I'm on alot is, this particular semester I took all my classes online (which I'll probably do from now on as much as possible!), so I'm always on the computer -- even more, LOL!

But even then, it's sometimes hard to get "disciplined" enough to know when to back out of the "fun" sites and get cracking on homework, hehe.

PS: Congradulations on the new job. :)

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: jackas on 06/05/05 at 3:07 pm

HEY! your back...repeat after me...."I am NOT addicted to this place :D Seriously, it's GREAT to have you back here ;)

Thanks Mark!

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: jackas on 06/05/05 at 3:08 pm

Hey I'm still around too... just not nearly as much.  The reason I was on here so much before is because I was in between jobs, home all day and BORED TO DEATH!  I'm back to work now (I'm a Realtor now) so I'm trying to stay focused on that.  I get distracted easily and if I make these boards a habit again, I won't get anything done and then I won't make any money :(

but I miss you guys too & I'll be popping in every couple days or so to say hi!

Hey Andrea!  Nice to hear from you.  Good luck with the new job. :)

Subject: Re: Where's Chrissy been?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 06/05/05 at 3:24 pm

Welcome back Chrissy and Odyssey.


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