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Subject: For Chrissy

Written By: ADH13 on 07/09/05 at 10:50 am

I heard on the news this morning that Pensacola FL has been evacuated because of the hurricane.  I just wanted to wish you well, and I hope your home doesn't suffer any damage.

Same goes to Jiminy, and anyone else who lives in "hurricane zone".

Subject: Re: For Chrissy

Written By: Bobby on 07/09/05 at 11:37 am

Here's hoping you folks escape the hurricanes.  ;)

Subject: Re: For Chrissy

Written By: RockandRollFan on 07/09/05 at 1:16 pm

I heard from her a couple days thoughts and prayers go with her :)

Subject: Re: For Chrissy

Written By: jiminy on 07/09/05 at 1:20 pm

I don't think it will hit Georgia, if you look at the map Georgia's coastline dips in, this saves us from many direct hits, Florida or the Carolinas usually take the direct hits, the storms that enter the gulf and come up from the south and hit Georgia usually just dump a lot of rain, the wind speeds die pretty fast once the storm hits land, they need to be over the ocean to maintain their speeds... thanks for the thought ;)

Subject: Re: For Chrissy

Written By: Alchoholica on 07/09/05 at 3:53 pm

Hope things die down and don't cause too much damage.

I myself had a Tornado scare the other day. I was visiting family in Illinois and a Tornado went past about a mile away. Of course being from England i'd never seen one before, i freaked big time.

Subject: Re: For Chrissy

Written By: ADH13 on 07/09/05 at 8:58 pm

I don't think it will hit Georgia, if you look at the map Georgia's coastline dips in, this saves us from many direct hits, Florida or the Carolinas usually take the direct hits, the storms that enter the gulf and come up from the south and hit Georgia usually just dump a lot of rain, the wind speeds die pretty fast once the storm hits land, they need to be over the ocean to maintain their speeds... thanks for the thought ;)

You should tell Chrissy to come stay with you then, so you guys can go spit off the roof of buildings :D

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