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Subject: Prank Calling

Written By: nicki_morrissey on 07/18/06 at 7:06 pm

I've done my share!

I prank called my best friend, Dustin a few nights ago using a Mister Rogers soundboard I found at It was so funny, we did it twice!

But the second time, he was with his boyfriend, so he got kinda pissed.

Does anyone else have any great/horrible prank calling stories? Have YOU ever been prank called?

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: Dominic L. on 07/18/06 at 9:16 pm

Oh dear. I HATE the prank calls we get. They're so stupid! They're like "Can I talk to Mika (my sister)? Our friend died. BUHAIJFEKLAFJKSELJBKLJEK" And it's so dumb. BUT! What gets me is that it always happens in the middle of the night, and I can't fall asleep again after I'm woken up.

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: karen on 07/19/06 at 3:43 am

My mother-in-law talks about one but I'm not sure if she ever did it.

Can i speak to Mr Wall please?

sorry, he doesn't live here

Well, can I speak to Mrs Wall then?

No one of that name lives here

Are there any Walls there?


Then how do you keep your ceilings up?

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: chaka on 07/19/06 at 4:05 am

My mother-in-law talks about one but I'm not sure if she ever did it.

Can i speak to Mr Wall please?

sorry, he doesn't live here

Well, can I speak to Mrs Wall then?

No one of that name lives here

Are there any Walls there?


Then how do you keep your ceilings up?

That one also exists with Mr./Mrs Door.

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: nicki_morrissey on 07/19/06 at 4:11 am

My mother-in-law talks about one but I'm not sure if she ever did it.

Can i speak to Mr Wall please?

sorry, he doesn't live here

Well, can I speak to Mrs Wall then?

No one of that name lives here

Are there any Walls there?


Then how do you keep your ceilings up?


Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: Red Ant on 08/15/06 at 3:56 am

My mother-in-law talks about one but I'm not sure if she ever did it.

Can i speak to Mr Wall please?

sorry, he doesn't live here

Well, can I speak to Mrs Wall then?

No one of that name lives here

Are there any Walls there?


Then how do you keep your ceilings up?


I'm a bit ashamed to admit this (well, not really, but...): At the urging of my friend Chuck, I once prank called a friend of mine, Mike, pretending to be his girlfriend. I didn't think I sounded all that much like her, but proceeded to fool him for nearly ten minutes, at the end of which I had him meet her (me) at the neighbor's house across the street from mine.

Mike arrived swiftly, and knocked on the neighbor's door only to discover his girlfriend not there. They both look puzzled, which made Chuck and I laugh our asses off while we watched through the picture window of my house. Just then, Mike turned and saw us. He was very mad at first, but then joined in the laughter.

Our local radio station used to play prank calls all the time; a few were hilarious. The 'Plate Glass Window' skit cracks me up every time.

Since no one's mentioned it yet, I never really like Crank Yankers on Comedy Central. It's just kinda lame.

And yeah, I've been prank called before, though nothing noteworthy.

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: whistledog on 08/18/06 at 2:06 am

Here's a mean practical joke to play on someone ...

Say you get a wrong number.  Someone calls you looking for Debbie.  You'd say "Oh my god, you didn't hear?  Debbie passed away"

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: nicki_morrissey on 08/18/06 at 2:33 am

Here's a mean practical joke to play on someone ...

Say you get a wrong number.  Someone calls you looking for Debbie.  You'd say "Oh my god, you didn't hear?  Debbie passed away"

That's great! I'll definitely use that.

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 08/18/06 at 2:55 am

this one's naughtier but was a very funny prank call in the movie *Porkys*  the boys call their friend Wendy at the diner she works at and ask her if she can check if their friend is there. Of course she asks, what's his name. They say Mike,, Mike Hunt. so she starts asking "is Mike Hunt here?, does anyone know or has anyone seen Mike Hunt?  it's hella funny, & embarrassing when she realizes she'd been pranked.

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: whistledog on 08/18/06 at 3:01 am

this one's naughtier but was a very funny prank call in the movie *Porkys*  the boys call their friend Wendy at the diner she works at and ask her if she can check if their friend is there. Of course she asks, what's his name. They say Mike,, Mike Hunt. so she starts asking "is Mike Hunt here?, does anyone know or has anyone seen Mike Hunt?  it's hella funny, & embarrassing when she realizes she'd been pranked.

That's a good one ;D  Reminds me of the movie Ruthless People with the greatest prank call scene in a movie ever ...

Sam Stone: Hello? Debbie? Yeah, Debbie's here, who's this? Well, Ralph, uh, Debbie can't talk right now, my ****'s in her mouth. How about if I have her call you back later when I'm done?

Sam Stone: I love wrong numbers.

Funny post Jason, but a little too OTT.

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 08/18/06 at 3:02 am

That's a good one ;D  Reminds me of the movie Ruthless People with the greatest prank call scene in a movie ever ...

Sam Stone: Hello? Debbie? Yeah, Debbie's here, who's this? Well, Ralph, uh, Debbie can't talk right now, my dick's in her mouth. How about if I have her call you back later when I'm done?

Sam Stone: I love wrong numbers.

;D  ;D that is so wrong  ;D

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: Stompgal on 08/18/06 at 4:40 am

I've seen some prank calls in TV shows. In one episode of The Amanda Show, there's a Call Zap advert where Drake phones Amanda and asks, "Is your refridgerator running? Then you'd better go after it." The Gang Green Gang make prank calls to the Powerpuff Girls in the episode Telephonies. In one episode of Dead Ringers, thee men and a woman are in a phone box and one man calls directory enquiries. He asks, "Are you on the line?" the man on the line replies, "Yes," then the man in the phone box says, "Well you'd better get off. There's a train coming!"

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: AL-B Mk. III on 09/16/06 at 1:27 am

    When I was in high school, I was on the school newspaper, and that particular classroom had its own phone line, so the students in charge of finding businesses to advertise in the school paper could do their business. One day, this weasly little jock-boy in my class called up the Gay/Lesbian Hotline in Lincoln and gave this convincing speech about how he was conflicted about his feelings and this and that. He then asked for some pamphlets and gave them the name and address of this guy on the football team who was built like a brick sh!thouse but was also one of the most insecure and neurotic people I've ever known.
  I guess a few days later, this guy got the pamphlets in the mail and he was livid.  ;D ;D ;D

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: nally on 09/16/06 at 1:31 am

Just now checking out this thread...

My mother-in-law talks about one but I'm not sure if she ever did it.

Can i speak to Mr Wall please?

sorry, he doesn't live here

Well, can I speak to Mrs Wall then?

No one of that name lives here

Are there any Walls there?


Then how do you keep your ceilings up?

LOL!!! :D ;D :D ;D

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: nally on 09/16/06 at 1:33 am

this one's naughtier but was a very funny prank call in the movie *Porkys*  the boys call their friend Wendy at the diner she works at and ask her if she can check if their friend is there. Of course she asks, what's his name. They say Mike,, Mike Hunt. so she starts asking "is Mike Hunt here?, does anyone know or has anyone seen Mike Hunt?  it's hella funny, & embarrassing when she realizes she'd been pranked.

That sounds like something Bart Simpson might do when he makes crank calls to Moes Tavern. ;D

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: nicki_morrissey on 09/16/06 at 10:58 am

     When I was in high school, I was on the school newspaper, and that particular classroom had its own phone line, so the students in charge of finding businesses to advertise in the school paper could do their business. One day, this weasly little jock-boy in my class called up the Gay/Lesbian Hotline in Lincoln and gave this convincing speech about how he was conflicted about his feelings and this and that. He then asked for some pamphlets and gave them the name and address of this guy on the football team who was built like a brick sh!thouse but was also one of the most insecure and neurotic people I've ever known.
   I guess a few days later, this guy got the pamphlets in the mail and he was livid.   ;D ;D ;D

OMG That is too funny!

Incidently, my friend Helen, when guys ask for her number, she gives them the number to the local mental institution. XD

Subject: Re: Prank Calling

Written By: whistledog on 09/16/06 at 5:24 pm

When I used to work Night Shifts, one night, this call came through one of the office phones, so I answered the phone and on the other end was someone looking for Minos (a local take-out place).  Wrong number of course, but like a minute later, that same person calls back, and again I told this person she has the wrong number.  Another minute later, the phone rang again ... it was like past 9pm.  Office hours were way gone by, so it could only be this wrong number again, so I picked up the phone, and said "Minos Delivery.  How may I help you?".  It was the wrong number again, so here was the lady telling me what she would like to order, so what did I do?  I proceeded to take down her order.  After she'd told me all that she wanted, I told her that we deliver in 15 minutes or it's free and then I hung up ;D

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