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Subject: It's been hell!

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 11/16/07 at 11:22 am

A few people know this, but I wanted to let everyone else know in case they were wondering where I've been lately.  Unfortunately, my mom passed away on September 14th.  She had been fighting cancer for almost 5 years and finally lost.  I was getting everything squared away from that and trying to take care of my dad (who was going blind) and keep up with school and everything.  I got a call on Sunday morning (11/11) that someone at the senior living complex where my dad lived had found him and he was gone.  Needless to say, this was a shock and I now have to get everything squared away again.  So, if I'm not around much in the coming few weeks, y'all will know why.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Philip Eno on 11/16/07 at 11:30 am

Sorry to read this about you, please take everything at one stage at a time, think carefully in what you do, and my thoughts are with you.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Henk on 11/16/07 at 11:33 am

A few people know this, but I wanted to let everyone else know in case they were wondering where I've been lately.  Unfortunately, my mom passed away on September 14th.  She had been fighting cancer for almost 5 years and finally lost.  I was getting everything squared away from that and trying to take care of my dad (who was going blind) and keep up with school and everything.  I got a call on Sunday morning (11/11) that someone at the senior living complex where my dad lived had found him and he was gone.  Needless to say, this was a shock and I now have to get everything squared away again.  So, if I'm not around much in the coming few weeks, y'all will know why.

So sorry to hear this, Kim... :\'( Please accept my sincere condolences.

I know words are hardly enough to express my sympathy. You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Paul on 11/16/07 at 11:56 am

Extremely heartbreaking heartfelt sympathies to you and your family... :\'(

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: ladybug316 on 11/16/07 at 11:57 am

So sorry to hear such heartbreaking news.  Regards to you on your tough road.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Jessica on 11/16/07 at 12:30 pm

A few people know this, but I wanted to let everyone else know in case they were wondering where I've been lately.  Unfortunately, my mom passed away on September 14th.  She had been fighting cancer for almost 5 years and finally lost.  I was getting everything squared away from that and trying to take care of my dad (who was going blind) and keep up with school and everything.  I got a call on Sunday morning (11/11) that someone at the senior living complex where my dad lived had found him and he was gone.  Needless to say, this was a shock and I now have to get everything squared away again.  So, if I'm not around much in the coming few weeks, y'all will know why.

Oh Kim, I'm so sorry. :\'(

If you need anything, let me or Rice know. We're only an hour or so away. :-*

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 11/16/07 at 12:31 pm

Aww Kim..I am so incredibly sorry to hear about this heartbreaking news. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Reynolds1863 on 11/16/07 at 12:59 pm

A few people know this, but I wanted to let everyone else know in case they were wondering where I've been lately.  Unfortunately, my mom passed away on September 14th.  She had been fighting cancer for almost 5 years and finally lost.  I was getting everything squared away from that and trying to take care of my dad (who was going blind) and keep up with school and everything.  I got a call on Sunday morning (11/11) that someone at the senior living complex where my dad lived had found him and he was gone.  Needless to say, this was a shock and I now have to get everything squared away again.  So, if I'm not around much in the coming few weeks, y'all will know why.

Mine and my family's condolences go out to you and yours. Prayers and hugs.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: CatwomanofV on 11/16/07 at 1:04 pm

There isn't much that I can do but if you need to talk, you know where to find me.



Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: statsqueen on 11/16/07 at 3:10 pm

A few people know this, but I wanted to let everyone else know in case they were wondering where I've been lately.  Unfortunately, my mom passed away on September 14th.  She had been fighting cancer for almost 5 years and finally lost.  I was getting everything squared away from that and trying to take care of my dad (who was going blind) and keep up with school and everything.  I got a call on Sunday morning (11/11) that someone at the senior living complex where my dad lived had found him and he was gone.  Needless to say, this was a shock and I now have to get everything squared away again.  So, if I'm not around much in the coming few weeks, y'all will know why.

I'm so sorry you have to go through all this, Kim.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.  I hope everything soon settles down for you so you can start to decompress.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: CeramicsFanatic on 11/16/07 at 3:20 pm

Oh, Kim!  I'm so sorry to hear of your incredible loss!  :\'( :\'(

My thoughts are with you during this very trying time...please take care! (HUG)

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: wildcard on 11/16/07 at 3:54 pm

Don't know if I can help much, but I'm here too.  Want a hug?

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Red Ant on 11/16/07 at 5:42 pm

Kim, I'm so sorry to hear about your losses.  :\'(

Take all the time to do everything you need to.


Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: lorac61469 on 11/16/07 at 5:53 pm

How very sad. My thoughts and prayers are with you. 

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: EyesWideAsleep on 11/16/07 at 6:01 pm

That really sucks. :(

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: coqueta83 on 11/16/07 at 7:49 pm

I'm truly sorry for you recent losses. My thoughts are with you.  :\'( :\'(

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: karen on 11/16/07 at 9:56 pm

I am really sorry to hear about your news Kim.  Thinking of you.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: whistledog on 11/16/07 at 10:15 pm

I am very sorry to hear about your loss :(

My thoughts are with you and your family

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 11/16/07 at 11:15 pm

ah Kim, my condolences on your losses.  The same thing happened to my dad (both of his parents died within a couples months of each other).

It's never easy.

My thoughts are with your family.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 11/17/07 at 3:10 am

I'm sorry for your loss Kim. It's so much all at once, I'll keep you & your family in my prayers. take care Mama K

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: BrianMannixGirl on 11/17/07 at 3:58 am

Oh Mama K :(

To say its been hell is under stating it. The past few months must have been so horrible for you. I hope you are taking care of yourself and the people around you are looking after you and helping you through it all.

My sincerest condolences on such a huge loss.


Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Gis on 11/17/07 at 4:34 am

Oh Kim, I'm so so sorry to hear your news. I was thinking about you earlier in the week when I had to fetch a Chaucer book for someone at work  Big hugs and anytime you want to talk please do.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: danootaandme on 11/17/07 at 5:53 am

Very sorry that you are going through all of this, you must be in shock.  Our thoughts are  with you  :\'(

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Howard on 11/17/07 at 6:26 am

I'm sorry about your loss Mama,Take care and see you soon.  :(

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: LyricBoy on 11/17/07 at 6:49 am

I'm sorry that you had to go thru all this, Mama K.

But a brighter day awaits...

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: thereshegoes on 11/17/07 at 1:22 pm

I'm truly sorry,Kim. May their memory never be forgotten.

Subject: Re: It's been hell!

Written By: Marian on 11/17/07 at 2:17 pm

:(My condolences for your loss.

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