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Subject: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: ChuckyG on 03/15/13 at 10:30 pm

The Bedside Battleground

Sleep surveys confirm the digital invasion of the bedroom. In the most recent study by the National Sleep Foundation, a nonprofit group devoted to “sleep health,” conducted in 2011, 72 percent of respondents reported that they take their phone to bed with them; 49 percent said they take a computer or tablet; and 13 percent, an e-reader. In 2010, a Pew Research poll found that 90 percent of those between 18 and 29 slept with their cellphones next to the bed.

For me, it's a lamp, some books and a clock radio.  I think my perfect attendance awards from high school are there as well for some weird reason. Same nightstand I've had since I was in junior high.

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: warped on 03/16/13 at 7:43 am

My nightstand has a clock radio, a lamp, a tray of candy and once in a while a book will make it there.

I have never had the computer in the bedroom where I am sleeping, don't even own a cellphone or blackberry or equivalent.

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: ninny on 03/16/13 at 8:23 am

Mine has some medicine, change, kleenex, Daniel's cars, my lottery picks, my drink.

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: Dagwood on 03/16/13 at 10:26 am

I don't have a nightstand.  I have a kitchen chair next to my bed.  On it is my clock/radio and my glasses case.  My phone and computer are not in my room at all. 

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: wildcard on 03/16/13 at 10:34 am

I don't have a nightstand either.  I put my atomic clock at the edge of my nearest piece of furnature so I can see what time it is when I get up.

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: meesa on 03/16/13 at 10:35 am

Phone, change dish, tissue box, crochet pattern book, police/weather scanner. I have my phone at all times, but it isn't a smart phone, doesn't have games or anything; it is just a plain cell phone.

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: karen on 03/16/13 at 4:33 pm

Alarm clock, moisturiser, hand cream, bookmarks, a necklace or two, a box of band aids, an out of date money off coupon and a postcard.  Phone lives either on the kitchen counter or in my bag, the computer is in the study downstairs.  Occasionally my Kindle is at the side of my bed (no room on the night stand!)

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: Howard on 03/16/13 at 7:32 pm

a clock radio, lamp, some knick knacks.

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: CatwomanofV on 03/16/13 at 8:13 pm

Clock/radio (even though I never use the radio part), a box of Kleenex, sinus sprays, a old cottage cheese container full of change, receipts, or whatever was in my pants pockets, a wooden middle finger that used to be my step-father's, dust, and way too much stuff that I really need to get rid of. But no light-which I have been meaning to add to that mess.


Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: MaxwellSmart on 03/23/13 at 8:46 pm

Last week's New Yorker, a book about the economy, and a bottle of fizzy water. 

I never keep my alarm clock within arm's reach.  If I have to get up to turn it off, I'm less likely to hit snooze. 

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: danootaandme on 03/24/13 at 8:18 am

Lamp, book, cel phone, Necco Wafers, glasses, remote for television, Ipad.

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: amjikloviet on 03/27/13 at 4:57 pm

On my nightstand I have my bible, and a vintage lamp. And that is all I really need on there.

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: Inertia on 03/27/13 at 7:56 pm

I have a desk next to my bed. It is loaded down with miscellaneous items such as my contacts case, Nintendo DS, my jojoba oil, drawings, short stories, and other non-related items.

Subject: Re: So what's on your nightstand?

Written By: valleyroads on 04/04/13 at 4:28 pm

I sleep in my living room since I am squicked out by bedrooms, I sleep on a large white couch...

I have a mid-70s brass and simulated leaded glass lamp, several toy cars, my cell phone ($50 first-gen Blackberry copy), TV clicker, air conditioner clicker, a few books, my keys and wallet, a table fan, a few pill bottles and Mace to defend myself in case any burglars or crazy neighbors come by. This is a big old wooden coffee table.

I'm in the process of dismantling and discarding my bed and turning that room into a living room/workshop.

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