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Subject: I really like it here

Written By: KKay on 12/23/05 at 8:00 am

You know when you don't fit in and your friends tease you because you finally got that Gary Wright album on vinyl...and then you find people that are just like you? refreshing.
Greetings all and have a great holiday!
Great Site!
KKay :)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: Philip Eno on 12/23/05 at 8:27 am

Welcome to these boards, I hope your stay here will be a pleasant one.

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: whistledog on 12/23/05 at 9:29 am

Welcome to the boards KKay :)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/23/05 at 12:39 pm

Welcome KKay!! :)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: KKay on 12/23/05 at 12:46 pm

I feel like the little girl in the bee costume in that music video when she found the other bees.... but they were listening to Little River Band instead.
k :)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: FaultyDog on 12/23/05 at 2:05 pm

Welcome to the boards KKay!

I hope you enjoy yourself around here as much as I do! :)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: Badfinger-fan on 12/23/05 at 10:06 pm

Greetings KKay, glad you found this place. It's cool and so are all the people.

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: ktelqueen on 12/23/05 at 10:17 pm

did someone say Little River Band  :D..yeah,you found the right place,KKay..welcome  :)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 12/23/05 at 11:35 pm

I feel like the little girl in the bee costume in that music video when she found the other bees.... but they were listening to Little River Band instead.
k :)

oohh ooohh...Little River Band...just happens to be my 2nd favorite band...other than The Ramones!!! YAY!! :)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: MERV SKILTON on 12/24/05 at 5:49 am

Gidday Miss KKay.. & welcome to one of Big Merv's favourite forums.. who's Big Merv I hear ya thinkin'??.. well go check me out on ..I'm Mr Retro.. a walkin' talkin' piece of the 70's & 80's.. but be careful not to fall in luv with me mate.. some of my pics feature the trademarked & patented Merv Look Of Luv!..
don't say ya 'aven't been warned! ;)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: MERV SKILTON on 12/24/05 at 5:56 am

did someone say Little River Band

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: KKay on 12/25/05 at 3:10 pm

Gidday Miss Ktel Queen.. did someone say Little River Band? :o.. did you know the name came from a little town the band was drivin' through to an early gig in Geelong, and they still needed a proper band name.. then saw the roadside sign "Little River".. & someone said that's it!..
that place is about an hour or so away from mine and The Tecoma cowboy's studio in Melbourne! ;)

I am going to dazzle my friends with that information!  Good to meet so many walking 70s encyclopedias...
Where were you when that picture of you was taken?  looks like a good bar. everyone needs a good bar.

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: gemini on 12/26/05 at 4:01 pm

Welcome to the board, KKay! Glad to have another 70s fan here! BTW, your dog is a beauty!  :)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: nally on 12/26/05 at 11:02 pm

Nice to have you here, Kkay!! :)

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: KKay on 12/27/05 at 8:34 am

Thanks for the warm welcome...although...

What was that film in which a cult is described as 'the freidnliest person you ever met wants to introduce you to his friends and they are the friendliest people you've ever met"?

Just kidding! Thanks so much, everyone!

Subject: Re: I really like it here

Written By: gemini on 12/27/05 at 8:50 am

Thanks for the warm welcome...although...

What was that film in which a cult is described as 'the freidnliest person you ever met wants to introduce you to his friends and they are the friendliest people you've ever met"?

Just kidding! Thanks so much, everyone!

Ahhh, the secret is out!!  :D  ;)

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