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Subject: Multiple Dimensions

Written By: joeman on 01/06/09 at 8:30 am

Do you guys believe there are more dimensions in reality than the usual 3, 4, or possibly 5 dimensions?  These multiple dimensions could justify the existence of a heaven or seven heavens and hells, and it could explain the unexplainable(such as spirits from the Ouija board).

Subject: Re: Multiple Dimensions

Written By: quirky_cat_girl on 01/06/09 at 11:19 pm

hmm...that's a very good point..I have thought about this sort of thing many times, but I just don't know enough about it to make a judgement on it.

Subject: Re: Multiple Dimensions

Written By: Jessica on 01/07/09 at 12:05 am

My ass is multiple dimensions.

Subject: Re: Multiple Dimensions

Written By: Foo Bar on 01/07/09 at 12:29 am

Do you guys believe there are more dimensions in reality than the usual 3, 4, or possibly 5 dimensions?

Depending on how you do the math, there are either 10, 11 or 26.  We're stuck in a subset of them; the usual three, and most matter is constrained to move forward in time.  None of the extra dimensions theorized have any easily-observed effects on macroscopic scales.

I'm not a string theorist; it's presently unfalsifiable.  My hope is that we'll learn enough from the LHC to put constraints on one of the supersymmetric models, and if I had to bet (this is only a gamble; we don't have evidence yet), I'd bet the results are going to be consistent with loop quantum gravity.

These multiple dimensions could justify the existence of a heaven or seven heavens and hells, and it could explain the unexplainable(such as spirits from the Ouija board).


The real problem I have with pseudoscience is that it describes a boringly simple universe, fundamentally no different than the demon-haunted world that my caveman ancestors dreamed about and made rock-carvings about.  I want to live in a universe that's way cooler than that

(Any Creationists in the room, feel free to interpret that as "The only God worth worshipping would be one who could create a Universe so fascinating that, 13 billion years later, sentient life would still take thousands of years to even begin to start figuring out how it worked."  A dude who slapped it together - bogus fossils, light-echoes, and all - 6000 years ago isn't worthy of consideration.  Why do young-earth Creationists insist on assuming such a limited "supreme being"?  God's supposed to be way cooler than that.)

Lay down the Ouija board and pick up a science text.  The universe is not only more complicated than anything the loopiest of pseudoscientists have dreamed up, it's more complicated than anything they can dream up.  Who said understanding the universe was going to be easy?

Subject: Re: Multiple Dimensions

Written By: Davester on 01/07/09 at 1:59 am

My ass is multiple dimensions.


Subject: Re: Multiple Dimensions

Written By: Midas on 01/07/09 at 10:59 pm

My ass is multiple dimensions.

Odd!  :o

I'd have to say multiple dimensions likely exist.

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