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Subject: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) RESULTS POSTED*****

Written By: skittlesking on 10/26/07 at 5:38 am

As stated prior to this thread, VOTING is worth points.  If you vote and did not enter this contest, you will get 3 points towards the overall 5 year standings in the Artistry contest.  When you vote as an entrant in this round, you recieve 5 points for voting. . .that means no one who votes ends with no points. . . .

Anyway, the rules are pretty similar to other contests.  This is round 13 so please know that ALL rounds will count EQUALLY toward the final standings, and NO rounds will be omitted from the final total.

1. All participants must comment on all entrants and vote by the deadline, which for this rounds is Novemberr 8th,  2007.  Failure to vote will forfeit all points from this round, and if that is less than 20 points, the difference will be forfeited in the following round (No Disqualifications)

2. Voting will take place by replying to this thread

3. If a person withdraws from an Artistry Round prior to the end of a round, all entrants who voted for that person's entry will be permitted to pick one new song to earn a bonus point, all other songs will be realigned accordingly.  There will be no penalty on those who don't change their vote.

4. Once a vote is posted, it cannot be changed UNLESS rule 3 applies OR there was a double-vote by accident.

5. Late entries will be accepted until the 1st vote has been posted.

6. The deadline is a strict deadline, the moment the date has reached the day after the deadline, no votes will count, this is to reduce last minute voting, or sympathy/favoritism towards different entrants.

7. We ask that any entrant who posts a link to his/her original song (source of parody) not be DKTOS for the contest.

8. All other basic competition rules as applied in other competitions are generally followed.  The rules may not be changed or altered unless two/thirds of those voting in a round where a rule change is requested agrees.  Rules may be added by host (Below Average Dave) if it was a rule in the ABC or SOTM contest that was thought to be common knowledge, but not known by a particular entrant.

EST (New York) November 11th at midnight
Central (St. Louis): November 11th at 11pm
Mountain (Denver): November 11th at 10pm
Pacific (Los Angeles): November 11th  at 9pm
Sydney, AUS: November 12th at 2pm
The UK: November 12th at 5am

WITHOUT FURTHER ADU, The Contestants for Round 13, Incubus Are:

1. Lives by Red Ant
    Drive Video

2. The Warning Song by Agrimorfee
    Warning Video

3. Road Rage by Matthias
    Drive Video

4. Asterix by The Conqueror of Parodies
    Privledge Video

5. I Wish You Were Beer by Rex Ungericht
    I Wish You Were Here Video

6. Dare by Below Average Dave
    Drive Video

IMPORTANT: You can enter UNTIL the first person has cast his/her vote. . .it is at that point the entry list is final. . .

Alright Guys, Everyone who votes should pick a top 5, those who aren't in this round but think they may enter a future round or have entered a past round may vote to earn 3 points. . .and remember, if you missed the entry date, you can still enter if it's before the first vote gets cast.

Subject: Re: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) Voting Deadline 11/8/07

Written By: Syncronos on 10/26/07 at 8:39 am

:-\\ My version of Pardon Me will be submitted today. However, for those of you who are on time and wish to vote, PLEASE VOTE. If nothing else, I'll support the contest by giving everyone a shove upwards from the bottom... ;)

Updated as of 4:10 EST: Nix that. Guess I won't be entering. Gotta stay and work late, and since I'm stuck behind a massive firewall, I can't access YouTube to properly pace the rest of my parody with the OS. It would be unfair to delay the contest, so vote away, citizens. This has been a public service announcement.

Subject: Re: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) Voting Deadline 11/8/07

Written By: skittlesking on 10/26/07 at 6:29 pm

:-\\ My version of Pardon Me will be submitted today. However, for those of you who are on time and wish to vote, PLEASE VOTE. If nothing else, I'll support the contest by giving everyone a shove upwards from the bottom... ;)

Updated as of 4:10 EST: Nix that. Guess I won't be entering. Gotta stay and work late, and since I'm stuck behind a massive firewall, I can't access YouTube to properly pace the rest of my parody with the OS. It would be unfair to delay the contest, so vote away, citizens. This has been a public service announcement.

Don't give up, I'm sure we can hold a couple days if you need it. . .

Subject: Re: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) Voting Deadline 11/8/07

Written By: Red Ant on 10/28/07 at 8:20 pm

5 points to Aggy
4 points to Matthias
3 points to Dave
2 points to Rex
1 point to Conqueror


Subject: Re: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) Voting Deadline 11/8/07

Written By: Matthias on 10/28/07 at 9:33 pm

5 Points To: Dave's Dare
4 Points To: Aggy's Attack
3 Points To: Rex's Wish
2 Points To: Red Ant's Lemmings
1 Point To: Conquerer's Comic

Subject: Re: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) Voting Deadline 11/8/07

Written By: agrimorfee on 10/29/07 at 8:06 am

Guys, if it hasn't already been made clear, I HATED this round.  8-P Incubus, by nature of their song structures and hookless melodies, is just not amenable for parody writing, and for my tastes they have brought our collective parody-writing skills to the ultimate test with very little to show for it. Meh, meh, and meh.

Everyone gets a 555 regular vote just for putting up with this, BTW, whether or not I personally liked any of the parodies.  :)

3pts=Red Ant

EDIT: hell, karamel for everyone, too. Maybe Alice In Chains will cheer me up.... ;D

Subject: Re: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) Voting Deadline 11/8/07

Written By: Rex on 10/29/07 at 3:04 pm

5 points to Matthias
4 points to BAD
3 points to Conq
2 points to Ag
1 point to Red

Subject: Re: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) Voting Deadline 11/8/07

Written By: ThaConqueror on 11/07/07 at 12:54 am

1 point to Agri
2 points to Ant
3 points to Rex
4 points to BAD
5 points to Matthias

Subject: Re: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) Voting Deadline 11/8/07

Written By: skittlesking on 11/08/07 at 11:03 am

Well Matthias. . .your parody for this round really got me going, but. . .voting for you could cost me a victory. . .so

5th, 1 Point to Matthias The Conqueror of Parodies (sorry buddy it just wasn't my favorite by you)

4th, 2 Points to Matthias Rex Ungericht (Awesome for what you had to work with!)

3rd, 3 Points to Matthias Agrimorfee (Excellent Roast)

2nd, 4 Points to Matthias Red Ant (May not have struck me like a typical RA Parody, but still amazing)

1st, 5 Points go to anyone but Matthias Matthias. . .LOL  Seriously, one of your best to date, I couldn't possibly give anything but a perfect 5 for this, and even after you called last night to let me know my vote could make the difference between the two of our ranks---wouldn't ever let a potential victory for me alter my voting, you deserve this one, Dare is good, but your parody is one of your best to date. . .Congrats as I'm pretty sure this seals your victory!

Subject: Re: Artistry Round 13 (Incubus) Voting Deadline 11/8/07

Written By: skittlesking on 11/09/07 at 12:19 am

The results are in, the drive has been crashed, and the winner of the battle of Driving Incubus Agrimorfee Crazy is . . . .

1st Matthias' Road Rage with a whopping 28 points

2nd Below Average Dave's Dare with a streaking 26 points

3rd Agrimorfee's The Warning Song with a Lashing 20 points

4th Red Ant with 17 points

5th Rex Ungericht with 16 points

6th The Conqueror of Parodies with 13 points

Congrats to Matthias and his terrible driving, and Agrimore and his wonderful b**ching. . .love you all and good luck in AiC

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