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Subject: June 2008 SOTM RESULTS POSTED

Written By: Below Average Dave on 07/08/08 at 11:54 pm

Note to new participants: Welcome, and good luck. Please read all guidelines carefully. Especially, please make sure to read all the entries and vote by the end of the month. The SOTM is not so much a contest as a feedback exchange. If you have any questions, feel free to ask, either in this thread or via personal message. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

~~Vote by replying to this thread with your five favorites in order:
1st choice- 5 points
2nd place- 4 points
3rd place- 3 points
4th place- 2 points
5th place- 1 point.

~~You're not allowed to vote for your own song.

~~Once you've posted a vote, you're not allowed to change it.

~~Voting continues until the last day of the month ends.

~~Anyone who's participated in a SOTM contest may vote.

~~By entering, you are agreeing to read and comment on all the other entries and vote.

~~Anyone who enters but does not both comment on all entries and vote by the end of the month is disqualified and may not participate next month.

~~In the event of a tie, the parody with the most first place votes wins.
If it's still tied, the parody with the most second place votes wins.
If it's still tied, a brief playoff round will be held.
All participants will have the first week of the month to choose one favorite from among the tied entries.
Tiebreaker voting is strongly encouraged but not required. On the eighth day the one with the most votes wins.

~~Any entrant whose votes don't show a time stamp prior to midnight on the last day of the month (ie. according to the "inthe00's meantime" clock as it appears BEFORE you log in - not a timezone corrected version) is disqualified, without exception.

~~A medal shall be awarded to the highest ranking parody which did not make the month's podium and is of an original song which has not previously earned any medal

1. Stolen by Matthias

2. Peg by Guy DiRito

3. London's Burning by Jason
    I'm Still Standing

4. *Wheeze* *Puff* *Pant* *Snuffle* by Peter Anderson
    Sex, Love, Dance & Music

5. We Are Winners (Strahan's Song) by Max Power
    I'm A Loser

6. (Used to be a) Rock Star by Phil Alexander
    Rock Star

7. You Know I'm Busting to Pee by The Conqueror of Parodies
    You See The Trouble With Me

8. Bubba Likes Fishin' by McKludge
    Babylon Sisters

9. A Horny Geek by Jeff Reuben
    Paraoke Performance

10. Tonto's Confession by Agrimorfee
      Love Ain't No Stranger

11. Squeal Good by Below Average Dave
      Feel Good Inc

Two Rule Change Suggestions This Month, please vote--you may vote on the rule change without voting on the songs this month if you aren't required to vote but are allowed to, though we encourage voting regardless.

Rule Change 1: To change the tie break rule "In the event of a tie, the parody with the most first place votes wins. If it's still tied, the parody with the most second place votes wins." to read "In the event of a tie, the parody with the most first place votes wins, if it's still tied, the parody with the most second place votes wins and so on"
*This rule is to take into consideration what was the intention when the rule was originally written and to take into consideration any additional changes in voting procedures that may take place in the future to try and avoid ties as much as possible.

Rule Change 2: To change the tie break rule to remove the vote off.  To strike "If it's still tied, a brief playoff round will be held.
All participants will have the first week of the month to choose one favorite from among the tied entries.
Tiebreaker voting is strongly encouraged but not required. On the eighth day the one with the most votes wins." and replace those words with, if it is still tied after comparing individual vote tallies, the songs have earned a legitimate tie.
*This rule change is to avoid extending a month's voting into the following month like last month, and so that someone who earns a podium spot does not lose their spot, it is also intended to remove the possibility that the winning song of a tie break could potentially rest on one person's choice, as what was narrowly avoided last month.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Jason on 07/09/08 at 5:35 am

Wow! A nice selection of tunes this month!

As always I can only vote for 5 of them. So hear are my votes

5 Points: Phil Alexander
4 Points: Agrimorfee
3 Points: Below Average Dave
2 Points: Jeff Reuben
1 Points: Conqueror_Of_Parodies

Honourable Mentions: Everyone else.

Good Luck To All Of You!

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Matthias on 07/09/08 at 2:16 pm

"Stolen" only has one "L".... It's no big deal, but I would like to steal that extra "L" for my collection.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Below Average Dave on 07/09/08 at 3:51 pm

"Stolen" only has one "L".... It's no big deal, but I would like to steal that extra "L" for my collection.

Oops, I did a Fergie. . .

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: agrimorfee on 07/10/08 at 10:36 am

Oops, I did a Fergie. . .

If that were the case, then you would have lost a 'P', amiright? ;)

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Below Average Dave on 07/10/08 at 10:49 am

If that were the case, then you would have lost a 'P', amiright? ;)


Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: jreuben on 07/10/08 at 11:49 am

If that were the case, then you would have lost a 'P', amiright? ;)

Touche  ;D

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Max Power on 07/13/08 at 7:28 pm

I have something to ask you, want do you want me to do to have some of you who still don't get my song parody so you can understand? Just tell me and I'll do it.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: agrimorfee on 07/14/08 at 12:45 pm

I have something to ask you, want do you want me to do to have some of you who still don't get my song parody so you can understand? Just tell me and I'll do it.

Hey Max, don't be upset.

The issue I think we have is the sports theme. And I think Matthias has put it quite plainly in his comment to you that your parodies are so specific to certain teams and certain players, that the humor is lost to anyone who doesn't follow them as close as you do. Same goes with that Tom Brady/Credit Report parody you submitted last month. Not that there is anything wrong with what you do, but sometimes you do have to write "to your audience", which is in this case, most of the SOTM community here.

Think on this....Weird Al is a vegetarian who graduated college with an architectural degree. Now he may be very well versed in vegetarianism and architecture, but in his 30+ years as a performer, he has yet to write a parody--or even an original song--on either subject. He knows his audience wouldn't really want to hear songs on those topics. Funny enough though, a quick scan of your song list shows me a parody called "Goldprick" which your intor comments state was inspired by Emo Goldfinger---an architect!

But see how many critical comments you got for that tune versus your "Living In Antarctica III"? The majority of your songs seem to be sports-related...branch out in the topics, and see what else you can come up with. Hope this explains things. Good luck!

EDIT: Just one last thing. I find that the best parodies are ones that don't require an introductory explanation.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: agrimorfee on 07/14/08 at 12:48 pm

I'm with Jason, a very nice selection indeed!


EDIT: Include a YEA vote from me for both of the proposed rule changes.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: K1chyd on 07/20/08 at 9:55 am

The YouTube video for "Love ain't no stranger" is gone (lotsa live ones left though). Agri, if you see this you might wanna suggest the replacement one yourself...

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: agrimorfee on 07/21/08 at 3:09 pm

The YouTube video for "Love ain't no stranger" is gone (lotsa live ones left though). Agri, if you see this you might wanna suggest the replacement one yourself...

I don't see anything wrong now, but thanks for your diligence...

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Max Power on 07/21/08 at 9:01 pm

My current project may take longer than expected, right now...

5pts - Phil as a has-been

4pts - Jeff the 40 year old virgin

3pts - Aggie's gay confession

2pts - Cop pissing on someone...referenced on the ABC

1pts - McKludge fishing

HM: Everyone else

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: K1chyd on 07/22/08 at 8:12 am

I don't see anything wrong now, but thanks for your diligence...

Looking again and this time at the fine print too it's not the usual statement about the video being removed per request of the copy right holder bla bla bla bla bla but "this video is not available in your country", a first for me on YouTube. Still my bad.  8)

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: jreuben on 07/22/08 at 7:53 pm

5 pts:  McKludge--Bubba Loves Fishing
4 pts:  Phil Alexander--Used to be a Rock Star
3 pts:  Squeal Good--BAD
2 pts:  Peter Andersson--Asthma
1 pt:  Matthias--Stolen

HM:  Conqueror

And yes to the rule changes

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: McKludge on 07/22/08 at 8:38 pm

Gotta get my votes in now because I start my vacation on Saturday, and there ain't no internet where I'm going.  (If you're curoius, I'll be here,+dedham,+maine&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=31.825963,66.445312&ie=UTF8&ll=44.698677,-68.604984&spn=0.027851,0.064888&t=h&z=15&iwloc=addr

5 points - Jeff's frustrated girl (Send her my way!)
4 points - Conq's bladder problems (I've been close to that situation at arenas)
3 points - Phil's ditty (Was this about one of the Stones?)
2 points - Aggy's Injun (Did Tonto have a ball gag to match his mask?)
1 point - Dave's driving complaints (Hey, no side-seat driving!)

HM to Guy's Peg

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: K1chyd on 07/26/08 at 10:57 am

BTW - Don't forget to vote for the name of the new SOTM award. Voting thread here:

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: K1chyd on 07/27/08 at 9:37 am

This is where I normally have to say how hard it was to tell the parodies apart, but not this month because this month was no contest IMHO, Phil's x-rocker ruled supreme (but behind that one it was as hard as always, dammit!)  ;)

1 Point: "Bubba Likes Fishin'"

2 Points: "Tonto's Confession"

3 Points: "A horny geek"

4 Points: "Stolen"

5 Points: "(Used to be a) Rockstar"

Edit: I also vote YES to the suggested  rule changes.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: ThaConqueror on 07/30/08 at 4:20 am

1 point to Jason's Burning
2 points to Phil the Ex-Rockstar
3 points to McKludge's Fly Fishing
4 points to Jeff's Geek
5 points to BAD Driving

As for the rule changes - the first one isn't really enough a change to warrant a vote IMO (the change only really clarifies that the tie rule goes on through 3rd place, 4th place and 5th place votes (and HM's where applicable)), but get rid of that damn playoff round. Slows the whole process down.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Matthias on 07/30/08 at 6:01 pm

5 Points: Below Average Dave
4 Points: McKludge
3 Points: Jeff
2 Points: Phil
1 Point: Agrimorfee

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: philbo on 07/31/08 at 6:13 am

I found it incredibly hard to decide between the top three, and Conq's blockbustin' was damn nearly there, too.  HM to "London's Burning"

5 points - #10. Tonto's Confession by Agrimorfee
4 points - #9. A Horny Geek by Jeff Reuben
3 points - #8. Bubba Likes Fishin' by McKludge
2 points - #7. You Know I'm Busting to Pee by The Conqueror of Parodies
1 point  - #4. *Wheeze* *Puff* *Pant* *Snuffle* by Peter Anderson

Rule Change 1: Yes
Rule Change 2: Yes

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: agrimorfee on 07/31/08 at 7:56 am

5 points - #10. Tonto's Confession by Agrimorfee*
Tanks! 8)

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Below Average Dave on 07/31/08 at 8:48 am

HM to Guy

1 Point to Matthias

2 Points to The Conqueror of Parodies

3 Points to Agrimorfee

4 Points to McKludge

5 Points to Jeff Reuben

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Below Average Dave on 07/31/08 at 8:48 am

Oh yeah and and of course both yeses to my suggested rule changes:)

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Jason on 07/31/08 at 11:31 am

I propose another rule change for the next SOTM.

When you comment on a parody, I feel the comment should be related to the parody (no meaningless puns) and comments such as 'Comment for SOTM Contest' shouldn't be allowed.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: jreuben on 07/31/08 at 11:37 am

I propose another rule change for the next SOTM.

When you comment on a parody, I feel the comment should be related to the parody (no meaningless puns) and comments such as 'Comment for SOTM Contest' shouldn't be allowed.

I agree with what you're saying about 'Comment for SOTM Contest', although I don't remember anyone doing that for quite awhile.  Other than that, I don't like any rule telling you how to leave a comment. 

Is the no puns rule directed at me?  When I comment for SOTM (or in general), I do put puns in, likely more than others, but I try to make them related to the song, and try to give feedback on the song as well.  I guess that would make them meaningful puns.  heck, I've written entire parodies of meaningless puns  :)

Looks like I didn't actually leave a pun on your entry this month  :)

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: agrimorfee on 07/31/08 at 11:51 am

I propose another rule change for the next SOTM.

When you comment on a parody, I feel the comment should be related to the parody (no meaningless puns) and comments such as 'Comment for SOTM Contest' shouldn't be allowed.

I think I know what you're driving at, but at any rate, who is to judge whether or not a pun is meaningless? :-\\ Who is to know whether or not an insincere or hard to comprehend comment does not mean an insincere vote from the commenter? We have always had faith that participants have always, and will continue to, read the entries with sound judgment. Some sort of comment at least proves that the commenter clicked on the page.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: DoRitos on 07/31/08 at 2:34 pm


  Number 8  5 Points for a new way to fly fish

  Number 10  4 Points for lovesick Tonto

  Number 7  3 Points for stretchin' the old bladder

  Number 9  2 Points for the blind geek

  Number 1  1  Point for Cliptophrenia

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: K1chyd on 07/31/08 at 2:42 pm

When you comment on a parody, I feel the comment should be related to the parody (no meaningless puns)...

Point taken, but this kinda hits home with me because I always try to squeeze in a pun or two or five in my comments, maybe I oughta be giving more constructive feedback, especially in the SOTM, if I've been bad at that on your parodies I'm sorry, sometimes nothing of that sort comes up and given the choice nitpicking with argus eyes or make up puns I choose puns.

And it's darn hard to tell other writers how to write, for reasons described by John Osborne as "asking a writer what he thinks about criticism is like asking a lamppost what it feels about dogs", a good reason as any to be neutral when feeling neutral.

Also, though this might be just me, because English is not my first language I'll take any opportunity to learn by creating, some of my short pun centred comments are actually the result of ardent diving into resources such as my paid for lexicon/program from, the free online site that though not as large yet now gives both translation and synonymes that helps me a lot, and googling lines of words that I instinctively doubt to see if they are already grammatically acceptable to someone else in the world (though one single hit, or two, might fool me if I miss that they are from :-)

Finally I'll say that doing puns in the comments for me also is a way to come up with my own parody ideas, sometimes for the same song, sometimes for a song or song title that comes to mind when I'm creating the puns, to name just one my "I didn't use the F-word" started out that way as a comment on a parody by Merry & Pippin.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Red Ant on 07/31/08 at 3:34 pm

I vote yes to both rule changes.

I propose another rule change for the next SOTM.

When you comment on a parody, I feel the comment should be related to the parody (no meaningless puns) and comments such as 'Comment for SOTM Contest' shouldn't be allowed.

You would need to propose a rule change on the SOTM entry thread, but since it's open for discussion now... comments come in all different forms, ways and lengths.  It's not possible to regulate them in the manner you suggest. If someone says "good job", it means the same as "Hey, Jason, you did a good job with this parody". Besides, if someone goes out of their way to come up with a pun, it's more likely they really read and enjoyed the parody... my theory anyway.


I've got 7 hours before the deadline, and seeing as how there aren't a ton of entrants this month I'll try to vote this time.


Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Red Ant on 07/31/08 at 5:30 pm

Heh, it's amazing what you can get done when you put everything else on hold!

5 points to Jeff
4 points to Aggy
3 points to Phil
2 points to McKludge
1 point to Dave


Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: Below Average Dave on 07/31/08 at 11:09 pm

Without any lag, here are this month's results. . .drumroll please . . .

1st Jeff Reuben's "A Horny Geek" with 40 Points!

2nd Phil Alexander's "(Used to be a) Rock Star" with 34 Points!

3rd McKludge's "Bubba Likes Fishin" with 32 Points!

4th Agrimorfee with 28 Points! <<FUCA Award*

5th Below Average Dave with 19 Points!

6th The Conqueror of Parodies with 14 Poitns!

7th Matthias with 7 Points!

8th Peter Andersson with 5 Points!

9th Jason with 1 Point!

10th Guy DiRito & Max Power with Honorable Performances!

NO Disqualifications

Special Thanks to Red Ant for voting when not required to. . .

*FUCA is the presumptive name for the new award, this is Agrimorfee's 3rd time earning said award having parodied "Love Ain't No Stranger" by WhiteSnake which has never appeared on the podium, that breaks the tie he held for most "FUCA" awards to date with Below Average Dave (who's 5th place entry would have also qualified if highest ranked) and moves Agrimorfee into the most FUCA awards to date!

Congrats Agrimorfee, You Got the FUCA

Congrats Jeff Reuben on winning the SOTM, and to Phil and McKludge on making it one of the tightest highest scoring SOTM podium trio this year, which is especially magnificent when you consider it was the shortest playing field of the year

Also 28 is among the highest 4th place point totals this year as well, so special congrats to Agri who almost snuck in with big points late. . .until next month. . .

Both Rule changes passed unanimously.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM RESULTS POSTED

Written By: DoRitos on 08/01/08 at 1:26 am

My congrats to Jeff, Phil and McKludge.  Also to Agri for the very first winner of the FUCA award.  My thanks to all others who voted and/or participated.  This was a great round.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM RESULTS POSTED

Written By: ThaConqueror on 08/01/08 at 1:35 am

Congrats to Jeff, Phil & McKludge for getting fold, silver, and bronze (respectively), and also to Agri for getting the FUCA!

Ooh, 6th place. I've only got that once before, but it's still the second highest I've gotten (that bronze I got in April was a bit uneven, and MasonR would've snagged it if he hadn't forgotten to vote), so yay me! Never thought I'd get that high with that particular parody.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: K1chyd on 08/01/08 at 6:52 am

*FUCA is the presumptive name for the new award, this is Agrimorfee's 3rd time earning said award having parodied "Love Ain't No Stranger" by WhiteSnake which has never appeared on the podium, that breaks the tie he held for most "FUCA" awards to date with Below Average Dave (who's 5th place entry would have also qualified if highest ranked) and moves Agrimorfee into the most FUCA awards to date!

The FUCA* it is, no more presumptive FUCA's here my good man.

Congrats to Jeff for overcoming the long draught to take his second win, to Phil and McKludge for the other medals and to Agrimorfee for getting to be the first three way FUCA, kinda ironic since he didn't root for the installation of FUCAs in the first place. :P

Nice spread of OSs this month too, from Steely Dan to Skew Siskin, from Elton John to Nickelback, and if memory serves me right all eleven songs were eligible to become FUCAs in the first place, not even I thought we'd get a line up like that anytime soon. ;)

* The FUCA = The Formerly Unplaced Contribution Award.

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM RESULTS POSTED

Written By: agrimorfee on 08/01/08 at 7:51 am

Thanks guys...

A bow to Jeff this a first 1st place for him?

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM RESULTS POSTED

Written By: jreuben on 08/01/08 at 8:50 am

Thanks guys...

A bow to Jeff this a first 1st place for him?

Wow...congrats to Phil and McKludge for the silver and bronze, and thanks to everyone who loves a Horny Geek!  This was a fun round, with lots of great writing.

Agri, it's actually my 2nd gold, but it's been a long time (A Bar Maid Fight got Gold a few years back)

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM RESULTS POSTED

Written By: philbo on 08/01/08 at 9:27 am

Congrats, Jeff & McK :)  And Ag, for getting the FUCA (I wonder how long it's going to be before that particular novelty wears off?)

The FUCA* it is, no more presumptive FUCA's here my good man.

How long before a YMCA parody comes out, do you reckon?

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM RESULTS POSTED

Written By: agrimorfee on 08/01/08 at 10:51 am

Congrats, Jeff & McK :)  And Ag, for getting the FUCA (I wonder how long it's going to be before that particular novelty wears off?)

I have already have 3 by default since the beginning of the year, so it's already old hat for me.  :)

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM RESULTS POSTED

Written By: Below Average Dave on 08/01/08 at 10:56 am

I have already have 3 by default since the beginning of the year, so it's already old hat for me.  :)

Yeah, the 6 months only have 3 different winners, it seems the same people do the oddball songs, I'm proud to be one of the three:)

Subject: Re: June 2008 SOTM Voting Thread

Written By: McKludge on 08/02/08 at 7:23 pm

Without any lag, here are this month's results. . .drumroll please . . .

1st Jeff Reuben's "A Horny Geek" with 40 Points!

2nd Phil Alexander's "(Used to be a) Rock Star" with 34 Points!

3rd McKludge's "Bubba Likes Fishin" with 32 Points!

4th Agrimorfee with 28 Points! <<FUCA Award*

Hey, third place!  Thanks everyone.  I figured I was destined for the FUCA award, since Babylon Sisters wasn't exactly Steely Dan's biggest hit, but I guess naked fat people are universally funny  :)

Congrats to Jeff and Phil for their great work on very wordy songs, and to Aggy for the FUCA.

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