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Subject: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 09/10/11 at 7:43 pm

Just a few photos taken by my brother on 9-11-01:http://C:/Documents and Settings/Kimberly/My Documents/Downloads/61731_1445553093536_1074414233_31016295_4668528_n.jpg

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 09/10/11 at 7:51 pm

some more...

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 09/10/11 at 8:07 pm

a few more....

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 09/10/11 at 8:21 pm

Howard, the point of this thread was not to post RANDOM photos of was so I could post pictures that MY BROTHER TOOK ON 9-11 because HE WAS THERE!!!!  >:( ::)

Anyway...back to the photos...

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 09/10/11 at 8:27 pm

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 09/10/11 at 8:35 pm

As y'all can see, he was only a few blocks away and was asleep at the time the first plane hit. He looked out the hotel window and saw the South Building on fire. He grabbed his camera, ran down the stairs and started shooting.  He was on tour with a band and they were basically stranded in NYC for a few days because their bus was in an underground parking garage :( To this day, he still has nightmares and has been having a pretty hard time with all the coverage recently.  These are not all of the pictures, but some he has had digitally enhanced and you can actually SEE people jumping.  They're pretty sad, I've seen them  :\'( I guess my point is that we all give "lip service" to the people who were there, but not many of us actually KNOW someone who WAS and don't realize that it affects people who were, even if they didn't personally KNOW someone killed. I've been reading a lot of people using this as an opportunity to "bash Obama" and make derogatory comments about Muslims and it's taken every fiber of my being to not COMPLETELY lose it on them because they "claim" to be "Proud Americans", but there's nothing more "Anti-American than bashing the president and using something as horrible as this to make prejudicial's sickening!!!

Okay, rant over...

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: Dagwood on 09/10/11 at 9:39 pm

Those pictures are amazing.

I understand what you are saying about lip service.  A friend of my mothers was on the phone with someone in the second tower just as the first plane hit.  The last thing she said was that she had to go because people were jumping.  She didn't make it out.  My mom's friend is still devastated. 

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 09/11/11 at 12:13 am

Those pictures are amazing.

I understand what you are saying about lip service.  A friend of my mothers was on the phone with someone in the second tower just as the first plane hit.  The last thing she said was that she had to go because people were jumping.  She didn't make it out.  My mom's friend is still devastated.  

Fortunately, I wasn't aware he was there until AFTER they managed to get out of the city or I'd have been worried SICK!!!

BTW, I couldn't keep my mouth shut on the one post on Facebook...after reading a few more comments that really had NOTHING to do with 9-11, I LOST it!!!  The thing about it was after he posted all these derogatory comments about "how our country is less safe, Obama (although he REFUSES to call him that :>:() is a Muslim, and NOT the POTUS, blah, blah, blah, he goes and posts something about how the firefighters, police, etc aren't being allowed at the 9-11 celebration...he is just SUCH a hypocrite, I had to call him out on it!!!

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: Howard on 09/11/11 at 7:36 am

Wow Mama those pictures are amazing when I watched the video(s) last night on Youtube I was frightened in a way it's like you feel that you were there,I was in the city,I was in a program called C.G.S on 229 W.28th street and in the building the windows were open and everyone could smell the smoke and the ash from afar.

And I'm sorry hijacking your thread Mama,you can go back to what you were doing.

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: Dagwood on 09/11/11 at 8:48 am

Fortunately, I wasn't aware he was there until AFTER they managed to get out of the city or I'd have been worried SICK!!!

I can imagine.

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: Tia on 09/11/11 at 8:51 am

he goes and posts something about how the firefighters, police, etc aren't being allowed at the 9-11 celebration...he is just SUCH a hypocrite, I had to call him out on it!!!

your ODS friend sounds like a bit of a lunatic, but i think he's got a point on this. it blows my mind the first-responders are being prevented from going to the commemoration, but the politicians whose incompetence and corruption allowed it to happen (IMO) are. it's sickening to me.

those pictures are something. your brother was awful close! i'm glad he came out of it ok, at least physically.

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: Tia on 09/11/11 at 8:57 am

To this day, he still has nightmares and has been having a pretty hard time with all the coverage recently. 
this also is part of what gets me. to me it seems pretty obvious all this rehashing of 9/11 is basically designed to indulge those who WEREn't there at the expense of those who were. never mind the first-responder/911 ceremony controversy: the USA #1 crowd, who by and large watched the events on TV the same way I did, loves to use 9/11 as an excuse to preach war and hate, and the media are feeding into that, but the people who were actually traumatized by that day, i'm guessing, don't want to have to hear about it nonstop and see all that footage a million times again. wouldn't it have been nice if we'd allowed them their modest ceremonies, and the rest of us had respectfully shut the f**k up?

i saw in the washington post yesterday that the 10th anniversary of pearl harbor in 1951 rated only a few column inches in the major papers. that was apparently back when we still had an ounce of national fortitude and character. contrast that with the craven media frenzy and embarrassing gabfest we're indulging in today, and witness a culture lost in narcissism and callousness. this stuff seriously gets to me, man. this whole thing has been so embarrassing.

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: bookmistress4ever on 09/11/11 at 8:37 pm

Those are amazing photos.

My husband's stepsister's ex-husband was a firefighter in NYC on that fateful day, he got hurt, but I don't know the details and I never felt the need to ask. (It's none of my business.)  I try to give people the space to mourn, heal, or whatever they need to do to get through life.  (Doesn't have to be on an anniversary, many survivors struggle on a daily basis.)

Thanks for sharing your photos.  They are very powerful.

Subject: Re: 9-11-01 photos

Written By: amjikloviet on 09/11/11 at 10:07 pm

^ They are, I had no idea there were so many. Today we talked on and on about what we were doing when it happened, I found that I am still uncomfortable talking about it. But well everyone did.

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