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Subject: An age test

Written By: Dude111 on 07/27/20 at 2:44 am

I picked yes on 20 of them and Its interesting what it says for 20 "yes" answers (42 total)

< 25      You need to seriously consider what your life will be like as you age. Defy Aging can be extremely helpful. Make a vivid mental image of what you could be like if you really take care of yourself mentally and physically. Notice how you exude energy and vitality. Now make a vivid mental image of what it probably would be like if you don’t make changes in your attitudes, beliefs, coping skills, and lifestyle. Perhaps this image has you hunched over, bored, in pain, and in a wheelchair in a nursing home at 80. Keeping those images in mind to motivate you, begin with the easiest changes and take on the more difficult ones as you make progress.

I am 50 but I feel more like 15 or maybe even younger.....

Here is a shorter 10 question quiz if you prefer (I took both)

4-5  Your Attitudes, Beliefs, and Coping Skills are limiting your health, happiness, and longevity


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