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Subject: Shiney, metallic object

Written By: violet_shy on 05/15/20 at 12:01 pm

My mom and I just encountered a shiney, metallic object hovering at a distance just above one of the houses in our neighborhood. It was slow but steady. It appeared to be made out of something matallic, and was oval in shape and form. Could not figure out what it was exactly, but appeared to be floating. Was definitely not a UFO.

Subject: Re: Shiney, metallic object

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/20 at 12:18 pm

Possibly a drone, could a estate agent filming or showing a house for a potential buyer.

In some areas here in the UK, drones are banned.

Subject: Re: Shiney, metallic object

Written By: karen on 05/15/20 at 3:36 pm

My mom and I just encountered a shiney, metallic object hovering at a distance just above one of the houses in our neighborhood. It was slow but steady. It appeared to be made out of something matallic, and was oval in shape and form. Could not figure out what it was exactly, but appeared to be floating. Was definitely not a UFO.

Well it was a ufo. It was flying, but you don’t know what it was, therefore it’s a ufo.

Are you on the landing path to an airport? Sometimes planes flying straight towards you can be difficult to identify as you can’t make out their shape properly.

Subject: Re: Shiney, metallic object

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/15/20 at 3:44 pm

Well it was a ufo. It was flying, but you don’t know what it was, therefore it’s a ufo.
So true! Have you been reading about Roswell again?

Each time I see the title of for this topic I think of R.E.M...

"Shing metal object holding hands...

Subject: Re: Shiney, metallic object

Written By: wagonman76 on 05/15/20 at 8:06 pm

Well it was a ufo. It was flying, but you don’t know what it was, therefore it’s a ufo.

Beat me to it.

Oval in what way? I see there is what they call a power egg drone.

Subject: Re: Shiney, metallic object

Written By: Philip Eno on 05/16/20 at 5:02 am

My mom and I just encountered a shiney, metallic object hovering at a distance just above one of the houses in our neighborhood. It was slow but steady. It appeared to be made out of something matallic, and was oval in shape and form. Could not figure out what it was exactly, but appeared to be floating. Was definitely not a UFO.
Any photos of it?

Subject: Re: Shiney, metallic object

Written By: Don Carlos on 05/16/20 at 8:19 am

Its Trump's latest distraction


Subject: Re: Shiney, metallic object

Written By: karen on 05/16/20 at 8:32 am

Coincidentally there was an article in today’s paper about a hazard safety report recently published by the Naval Safety Center in the US. It details reports from Navy fighter pilots encounters with strange flying objects.

One was said to be travelling at 76 mph and at a height of 19,000 feet. It apparently was about the size of a suitcase. Some of the reports have included video with pilots heard shouting “Look at that thing, dude” and “What the f*** is that thing?”

Subject: Re: Shiney, metallic object

Written By: Philip Eno on 03/07/23 at 11:14 am

Was this a balloon we have all been talking about over the last few weeks?

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