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Subject: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/01/07 at 11:30 am

ive  been ask to do a documentry  on as   and as  resault (iam taking a risk saying this ) using myself  as  the subject  because i  know all about  it  what it dose to me how it afects my life .  ect  whould you guys be intrested  in seeing this  if i complete it  this my first big filim project  and iam  a bit  nervous  in  making it because  this is about my life and all  so its quite personal but at the same time  itll be intresting to see  for like infomation . ( iam not  rainman iam very mild but it still afects in  a way  of my  socail life )  the idea i had was to let  people know  that there are actully people  with as that  arnt like dustins hoffmans charecter ( unfortunetly thats the sterotype  that people get) and it  really tears my heart out .  iam 24  got a great job mainstream and specahlneeds freands ( all kinds of ld )  but  a lot of people dont see  that  ( ive  even been told by my busguide when i was needs school to stick with my own kind  >:()  this will  hopefully get  people  to think as well  as enjoy  themselfs .

feel free to discuss this youre own thoughts ect

heres the subjects ( just  a list)

the biggining

school /nusery

moving  from renfrew paisly to westlothian

youth  theter

the phab club 


the diagnosis tras 

fready mercury stars in their eyes  for phap club introduction

marc almond  my first musical performance 

bon scot tribut/ brian lee tribut  ( high way to hell /you shook me  all night long) 

its a threllar

ill add more stuff but  thats what  ive had in mind

if you got any other sugestions please tell me 

looking forward  to  hearing youre thoughts

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: Paul on 02/01/07 at 2:27 pm

( iam not  rainman iam very mild but it still afects in  a way  of my  socail life )   the idea i had was to let  people know  that there are actully people  with as that   arnt like dustins hoffmans charecter ( unfortunetly thats the sterotype  that people get) and it  really tears my heart out .

My closest friend's son has AS and, I can tell you right here and right now, he is nothing like Hoffman's character...far from it!

Yes, he has his problems, but he's a fine young chap to boot!

What you're doing here is a fantastic idea and I wish you all the very best with it... :)

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/03/07 at 6:40 am

  thanks  paul  to be honest  i was a bit worriaid incase i got flamed ( happend befor)  but in saying that i wanted to take a chance with this  and let you guys knwo all about me

paul  thanks for doing  that ( giving me my respect back)

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: danootaandme on 02/03/07 at 7:35 am

I think this will generate a lot of interest, more than you can imagine.  I think everyone knows someone with Aspergers, and their are some who don't realize they know someone with Aspergers.  The key is educating people to what it is, and I think that is what you can do.  I for one thank you in advance. 

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/03/07 at 4:07 pm

no probs  mate iam emotionally touchd by this 

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: Paul on 02/03/07 at 5:57 pm

  thanks  paul   to be honest  i was a bit worriaid incase i got flamed ( happend befor)

I'm sorry to hear that...

but in saying that i wanted to take a chance with this  and let you guys knwo all about me

Well, I'd certainly be up for a view and I think my friend would probably be interested...

Will you be uploading it on the 'net at some stage?

As I've said, it's a brilliant way of breaking the negative stereotype...hope all goes well!

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/04/07 at 7:20 am

a couple of ideas i had  was  a sitdown interveiw with various people  ( two if they need help  of if it involes them)  or a revelations type filim ( know how  that  show on ch 5)  where it deals with steriotypes  or a sci fi type show ( i know  thats a bit far but i love sci fi) iam working on scripts right now  ( that takes ages to do you know lol)  i know its says as but it also about various  ld as well ( down syndrom  spinitifia ) stuff like that  so it should be fun to do  as for puting it up on the  net  well only thsi site  because of bad experence ive had  ( if a forum likes to use the retarded to discripe something then i wont be putting it up ) but this site i will because of the resepct you  give here to everyone

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: pink daisy on 02/07/07 at 3:41 am

I think you're doing a fantastic thing - karma to you.  My son is high functioning autistic, but so similar to AS that he missed out on that diagnosis by one point on the diagnostic criteria.  He's 13 and a great person, as I can tell you are too.  Anything that raises public awareness and dispels some of the myths about AS and autism has to be a good thing.  I personally think that it's not so much a question of being challenged as being more highly evolved than neurotypicals.  I'll definitely watch if it's available to me, and I wish you all the luck in the world  :)

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/09/07 at 11:26 am

thanks daisy  how old youre son when he was  diagnosed  i was 18/19  when i was tested for it

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: pink daisy on 02/09/07 at 12:14 pm

thanks daisy  how old youre son when he was  diagnosed  i was 18/19  when i was tested for it

My son has just turned thirteen and although it was evident that he had some sort of problem since he was about eighteen months old, he didn't get any kind of diagnosis until he was eight.  The psychiatrists seemed reluctant to say the 'autism' word in case they upset me!  But I knew he was autistic.  He was diagnosed as having AS first, then he was reassessed about a year later and they changed it to high-functioning autism.  Interestingly, once we realised that my son was autistic, the penny finally dropped for his father - he's clearly on the spectrum too, as was his father before him.  Any history in your family?

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/09/07 at 1:03 pm

nope lol not as iam aware   some people in my family say my first dad  but you know what they say  inoccent untill proven positive 

any obbsisions  rotuine  how about  school ( sorry for all the quistions )  i went to 3 diffrent schools ( st  pauls in foxbar paisly  st james in renfrew   mary russel in paisly and ceaderbank in westlothian  those are  done in order  of primery and high school)   ceaderbank i didnt enjoy ok ok they got  me in to college but i felt that they put too much in ( i really whish theres a bending too fingers here) ld  like  for example   iam half mainstream ( i can do things that mainstream can  do  but i have a high level learning difficulty and mild autisim )  yet they dont aknowlege that   they just think of you as a child  i remember one time that i was out on a  camp trip ( hostel for some reason they called it camp)  i saw a horror book know how the  nightmare ones and  the point horror one i wanted to buy a nightmare  one they whould not let  me they sugested a coulouring book instead i was 15 and the books were  ment for teens and up lol   my other schools unless there was sitoution that need it never foucused on it  and treated you more like adaults ( mainly because two of them were mainstarem schools anyway)  i am not iam perfect but still you ........ know


i love comics books  ( x-men   spawn  vamperella ) to name a few  i whould spend a fortune on them if i chould

i love  acting  ( i left the place now but i still love doing it )  anything to do with acting 

music  and wrestling  are big things with me  70s/80s i love pop music rock metal you name i love it  to a certain exteint lol   ( smokie  10 cc   judas preist  culture club softcell the sweet ) 

i also love stars in their eyes  that reminds me ill need to set up a thread  on program lol

just found out  ive just to do bullet points and itll be done from there

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: pink daisy on 02/09/07 at 6:40 pm

It's OK, I don't mind you asking questions!  Sounds like you had a tough time in school.  My son goes to a mainstream school but he started out in a fully integrated school run by a lady with AS which had all kinds of kids.  When he moved to mainstream we didn't tell them he was autistic and he was there for a while before anyone noticed anything.  He had a one to one helper for a term.  In mainstream education I feel that there is a tendency for some teachers to focus on my son's disbaility rather than his abilities - and he's a very bright kid.  He's lazy though!  Like you, he's really into music - he's an emo and really loves rock.  He plays electric guitar and taught himself to read music.  He has his own very definite style already.  I moved him to another school at one point because his teacher didn't believe in him and assessed him for his SATs way below what he actually achieved.

When he was younger he had obsessions about various things: anything with wheels/transport/planes.  We had a long period of dinosaurs, then breeds of cattle and sheep.  Now he obsesses about rock stars and playing guitar.  It could be worse - I'm into music myself, so I can live with it and even empathise. 

He also shares your interest in acting and we used to attend a theatre group as a family where we lived in Wales.  Since we moved to Dorset, he's been for an audition for modelling and extras work and they were very interested in him because he is good looking and has a unique look for a kid his age, so I might pursue that one.  Oh yeah, and karma to you for mentioning The Sweet! 

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/10/07 at 3:39 pm

yes the sweet rocks  theres  a lyrc  in Fox  on the run  ( i  i  dont know  youre name cause you  dont look the same ) thats kinda what  i mean  by steriotype  mention the word  and they think  rainman. i  know what you mean  by  the  teachers  focusing on the autism thing it really grind my gears ( family guy refrence) when they do that . yes i love acting but i dont get much time to do it because  of my work  .  dose youre son play any instruments at all  .

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: pink daisy on 02/10/07 at 5:07 pm

yes the sweet rocks  theres  a lyrc  in Fox  on the run  ( i  i  dont know  youre name cause you  dont look the same ) thats kinda what  i mean  by steriotype  mention the word  and they think   rainman. i  know what you mean  by  the  teachers   focusing on the autism thing it really grind my gears ( family guy refrence) when they do that . yes i love acting but i dont get much time to do it because   of my work  .  dose youre son play any instruments at all  .

Could be worse - they could think Lawnmower Man!  :D  Yes, he plays electric and acoustic guitar, and also keyboards.  He would like to learn drums, but I'm not sure my nerves would stand it.... ;D  What is your work?

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/11/07 at 7:25 am

Could be worse - they could think Lawnmower Man!  :D  Yes, he plays electric and acoustic guitar, and also keyboards.  He would like to learn drums, but I'm not sure my nerves would stand it.... ;D  What is your work?

lawnmower man ?as in stephen king turnd  movie ?  iam a kitchen potter for the dalmahoy hotel in edinburgh  who dose you re son look up to  in music.  whats youre line of work

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: pink daisy on 02/11/07 at 9:04 am

lawnmower man ?as in stephen king turnd  movie ?   iam a kitchen potter for the dalmahoy hotel in edinburgh  who dose you re son look up to  in music.  whats youre line of work

Yeah, that's the one - with Pierce Brosnan.  My son is into Green Day, Trivium, Evanescence, My Chemical Romance, Lost Prophets, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Bon Jovi - and has a healthy respect for Def Leppard, thanks to me!  I'm a student midwife.

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/11/07 at 9:27 am

sorry daisy but i was asking why anyone whould conect the lawnmower man to as  midwife student you mean youre  at unie right  as for the music  it plain to see where he gets tast from lol  ;D whats youre fave leaperd track ( off topic i know but still)

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: pink daisy on 02/11/07 at 4:42 pm

sorry daisy but i was asking why anyone whould conect the lawnmower man to as  midwife student you mean youre  at unie right  as for the music  it plain to see where he gets tast from lol  ;D whats youre fave leaperd track ( off topic i know but still)

I mentioned Lawnmower Man because my son's father used to compare him to that character - I have no idea how that man's mind works!  Yes, I am at uni (Bournemouth) but currently taking a year out to look after my kids after splitting from their aforementioned father last September.  Happily, I might add!  :)  Fave Def Leppard track - ooh, that's a tough one!  Can I have two?  Animal and Work It Out.  I wanted to ask you - have you, or anyone you know, tried the gluten-free/casein-free diet?  My son has been on it since he was eight and it really works for him.

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 02/12/07 at 12:49 pm

I mentioned Lawnmower Man because my son's father used to compare him to that character - I have no idea how that man's mind works!  Yes, I am at uni (Bournemouth) but currently taking a year out to look after my kids after splitting from their aforementioned father last September.  Happily, I might add!  :)  Fave Def Leppard track - ooh, that's a tough one!  Can I have two?  Animal and Work It Out.  I wanted to ask you - have you, or anyone you know, tried the gluten-free/casein-free diet?  My son has been on it since he was eight and it really works for him.

the  what diet sorry never heard of it  let it go evrything  on pyromanina

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 03/19/07 at 10:05 am

I mentioned Lawnmower Man because my son's father used to compare him to that character - I have no idea how that man's mind works!  Yes, I am at uni (Bournemouth) but currently taking a year out to look after my kids after splitting from their aforementioned father last September.  Happily, I might add!  :)  Fave Def Leppard track - ooh, that's a tough one!  Can I have two?  Animal and Work It Out.  I wanted to ask you - have you, or anyone you know, tried the gluten-free/casein-free diet?  My son has been on it since he was eight and it really works for him.
I think that's the diet that we tried for my son (who has APD & ADD), but it didn't work for him.

My oldest son has a friend that I think has AS, but his parents are oblivious to it.  I once asked the mom if he had been tested for anything else and she was ADAMANT that he doesn't have anything else.  He has been diagnosed with ADD, but, here in the States, that seems to be the "catch-all" diagnosis.  He just has so many symptoms that are NOT even close to ADD, I think it makes sense that there's something else going on.  I've looked into it a bit and it seems that he fits the AS profile almost to a "T". 

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: pink daisy on 03/22/07 at 5:12 pm

I think that's the diet that we tried for my son (who has APD & ADD), but it didn't work for him.

My oldest son has a friend that I think has AS, but his parents are oblivious to it.  I once asked the mom if he had been tested for anything else and she was ADAMANT that he doesn't have anything else.  He has been diagnosed with ADD, but, here in the States, that seems to be the "catch-all" diagnosis.  He just has so many symptoms that are NOT even close to ADD, I think it makes sense that there's something else going on.  I've looked into it a bit and it seems that he fits the AS profile almost to a "T". 

I have a friend just like that!  Her son clearly has AS but she insists he's just an individual.  Ironically, she teaches special needs kids...
Some news - after five years on the diet, I thought my son had built up a tolerance to gluten, so took him off the diet gradually over the last few weeks to see what would happen.  So far, so good - and he's a happy boy to be eating pizza with his friends  :)

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 03/25/07 at 8:36 am

sorry i havent replyd to this in a while  its unfortunet  that  a lot of people tend to turn a blind eye  when it comes to as  i dont know why but it happens my  high school was like that  they noticed i had some of the symptoms  but never done anything about it  i had to wait untill college to get the test done >:(    i feel its to do with persons maturity ( my case is diffrent)  if there mature enough to handle it fair enough but  if not its best to wiat till they have matured then say/see about getting tested  its difficult i know  but  its one of the best ways to go about it 

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: karen on 03/26/07 at 9:46 am

I think if there is a reliable test then the earlier it is done the better.  Surely it can only be good for the child and the rest of the family if  they know what the 'problem' is and ways of coping with it.

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 03/27/07 at 1:07 am

The thing that I would think would set off a few buzzers in these parents' heads would be the fact that their son has been on EVERY ADD med on the market, has tried the diet, therapy, etc and NONE of them have worked ???

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: mr crowly on 03/29/07 at 3:55 pm

ok what is this diet thing just  curious 

theres diffrent  spectrems of as maby thats why the kids parents dont belevee it

Subject: Re: aspergers documentry

Written By: 80s_cheerleader on 04/02/07 at 9:38 am

ok what is this diet thing just  curious 

theres diffrent  spectrems of as maby thats why the kids parents dont belevee it
There are a few different diets out there where you avoid things such as gluten, processed foods, sugars, etc. that are supposed to help with ADD & other problems.  The one we did was no dairy, little (if any) sugar, no Nutrasweet or other artificial sweeteners, no caffeine, no processed meats, no preservatives, no MSG, no food dyes, no white flour.  It was a nightmare and did nothing except give him diarrhea (and empty our wallets as the stuff with no white flour or dyes is EXPENSIVE).  Then, after 2 weeks, you slowly add these items back into their diet.....we didn't see a change after 2 weeks so we couldn't see any difference when we added the stuff back in so we stopped it after a month.

AFA the kid, when I asked the mom about being tested for anything else, I didn't specifically mention AS.  She was complaining that his meds didn't seem to be working so I simply asked "Well, have you considered that maybe it's not just ADD?  Maybe there's something else going on.  Has he been tested for anything else?"  Her response "Why should we test him for anything else?  He's already been diagnosed with ADD.  Have you had *my son* tested for anything else?"  To which I replied "Well, his initial diagnosis wasn't ADD, it was APD and he doesn't have any symptoms other than what those 2 cover so 'No'."  Then she said "Well, I KNOW he doesn't have anything other than ADD so I'm not going to have him tested for anything else."

It might not be AS, but there's definitely something else going on with this kid.  He got into physical (or almost physical) fights with 5-6 kids last year and the parents always blame it on the other kid.....sorry, but IMO, if a kid is getting into THAT many fights (and not with kids who are friends with each other either), there's something going on.  What's the common element of each of these?  The kid.

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