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Subject: Decade aesthetic in movies and shows.

Written By: Todd Pettingzoo on 05/01/22 at 5:03 am

1970s: I feel like the whole decade was very consistent (you can see some of it already during the late 60s).

1980s: The first two years were still pretty 70s. 82 and 83 were filled with 70s-80s hybrids (with a handful that were solidly 80s). The 80s feel started to low-key take over in 1984 - with 1987 being arguably the peak.

1990s: Pretty much the same pattern as the 80s.

2000s: Ditto

2010s: This decade had a more consistent aesthetic than the 80s-00s. The only exception was the 2000s shaky cam/undercranked cam trend (started by Saving Private Ryan) in movies didn't completely fade until the second half of the decade. Plus, politically incorrect bro movies/shows were ,much less common by the mid-2010s.

2020s: I wonder when the teal and orange cinematography trend will finally go away? You saw it a little bit in the 2000s and low-key took over during the 2010s.

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